A Forgotten Detail: Updating Your Business Voicemail Message!
“Merry Christmas & Happy New Year – please note our reduced hours over the Christmas Holiday period….. blah blah……”
This is the voice message that our Mystery Shoppers are repeatedly hearing and its FEBRUARY!
Is this the first impression you want prospects to have about your business? (My first thought was a WT? Are they for real?)
Having a voice message is crucial and just as crucial is updating that voice message – your message conveys your brand.
NOW is the perfect opportunity to put together a new, fresh, and professional voicemail greeting. Remember your voice message will determine how your caller perceives you and your club.
Here are some tips:
- Set the tone, sound professional, sound upbeat but don’t rush it.
- Keep it short, simple and make your greeting unique.
- Ensure message is clear, concise and with no background noise.
- Don’t apologise for being unavailable – our Clubs get busy, its okay to acknowledge you have missed a call. Try starting a message with:
What about this one:
“Hi there, thanks for calling XYZ Fitness or Hello you have reached XYZ Fitness. We are either on the line or assisting our valued members …….”
Or this one
“You have reached XYZ Fitness, let us know the reason for your call and tell us when the best time is to return your call…”
And of course, the most important tip of all: RETURN all messages including missed calls that may have not left a message. Treat every single call as a golden opportunity.
If you’d like to discuss how Mystery Shopping can assist your gym, club or studio anywhere in Australia give me a call 0407 667 447 or drop me an email: [email protected]

Experienced and results orientated Lisa delivers exceptional customer service, reflecting her commitment to her clients’ success. She combines a warm, compassionate personality with steely determination and focus. Lisa’s early experience working in Media followed by her career in the Real Estate Industry that spans over 25 years is where she has honed her Sales, Marketing and Customer Service skills. Dedicated to her clients’ success shines through in her everyday approach and she is both passionate and proactive with a genuine knowledge and belief that Mystery Shopping can make a huge difference in your business. Lisa is an avid bibliophile and works as a writer and editor in her spare time.