Some days are diamonds…….and some days are not.

Challenges coming headline under magnifying glass

If you are anything like me, you head in to work each day with either a rough or often a quite specific plan of what you want to achieve that day. And then……life happens.

I am sure I am not the only one who gets hit by a wall of often unplanned/unexpected; member feedback, team enquiries, equipment challenges, timetable or schedule changes etc. Often the plan we have for our day goes out the window and only a few items on our To Do List, get done.

But is this a problem? Often we feel like we have ‘got nothing done today’, because we either haven’t been at our desk or we haven’t ticked items off our To Do List. In actual fact though, we have done many things, just not what we planned to do, and that’s ok. All the things you did were doubtless positive contributors to your business, your team and your club.

Sometimes, life does throw us curve balls, but if we can change our mental attitude to embrace those swift changes of direction in our day and acknowledge work done, every day will be a diamond.