Fitness Industry Technology Summit 2019 Insights | Russ Creagh from Australian Institute of Fitness
Today we hear from Russ Creagh!
What did you love or enjoy most from your #FITS2019 experience?
The opportunity to connect with like-minded industry colleagues who are at various stages of grappling with the seismic changes happening in our industry due to Technology.
What was your #1 insight or ‘ah ha’ moment for #FITS2019?
Don’t buy a Lamborgini when you’re still on P plates. Buy for your current expertise and upgrade as you upskill, QUICKLY!
What were 3 ideas you want to turn from ideas into actions?
- Clarity on Tech Strategy
- Assemble the optimal Tech Stack for the job
- Develop staff tech capabilities so most work can be done internally
Why should someone attend #FITS2020?
Unless you’re already executing Tech like a, or Fitness First flagship club, then you need to understand how the close the gap, and fast. As these guys are already moving out of sight. Not just in FitTech, but Biz Tech generally.
Are You In The US -> Register Now For The Motionsoft Technology Summit, September 16 to 18 in Washington. Click here for details.
#FITS2020 – > Register your interest in attending the Fitness Industry Technology Summit in 2020. Click here to register.