Hiring, Training & Recognition Of Your Humans [Part 5]
Some people have better skills then others in various job functions
Try to get your team members in the optimal roles for their skill set. It is much easier to make someone better at what they enjoy and are currently good at then to try to teach them something they don’t have an aptitude or enjoyment of.
Our goal is team members enjoying and being fulfilled in their work – this is where passion shows up.
Reproduced thanks to the kind generosity of Norm & Justin Cates at Club Insider
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President & Chief Executive Officer, Active Wellness & BMC3
Bill is a health club industry veteran with over 25 years of experience leading and managing all aspects of commercial health clubs, medical fitness centers, community centers and corporate fitness centers. He owns BMC3 – a health club consulting company and is co-founder, President & CEO of Active Wellness (dba Active Sports Clubs). Bill has served as Chairman of the IHRSA Board of Directors, on the ACE Industry Advisory Board, on the ACSM Facility & Standards Guidelines and Recommendations Committee and is actively engaged in industry Board Service, as well as education and speaking on industry topics throughout the world.
If you like Bill McBride, listen to him on the Fitness Business Podcast