IHRSA 2018 | Takeaways from Bill McBride from Bill McBride Consulting
On-Boarding new members is more important than it ever has been in the past
With the increase in supply (more sites – Studios, HVLP, Corporate, Medical, Recreation, Public Space Fitness, etc) outstripping the increase in demand (new joiners) – The need for ancillary service sales to deliver for members is critical to every operator.
There are also many opportunities for ancillary product sales that support the member’s brand affinity and/or active lifestyle.
- Technology is still the “Hot Topic”
- Embrace – Experiment – but make sure whatever technology you consider solves a business and/or member need
- Don’t do Technology because is seems “cool” – it must solve a problem unknown or known for the business and/or the member
- Make sure your provider is open to other 3rd Party applications/providers
- Member Management Software & other Industry Software are showing a bit of consolidation
- All Industry focused Software companies need to be open to 3rd Party Software applications
- Closed Systems and not collaborating with 3rd Party Software applications hurts the vendor(s) and industry
- The industry is too small to not have open software access
- Too many MMS companies are still saying – “We have it on our roadmap to develop/improve on our own”
- Operators want to create their own Technology Stack that does what they want done and they deserve to have their vendors let them decide which technology applications they want within their Technology Stack
- Some MMS providers are holding their clients hostage and forcing them to not be able to utilize applications that will improve their business
- Some are extorting high / unfair fees to 3rd Party Software application providers to support integration
- I know all have API’s – but to fully integrate takes a degree of cooperation that isn’t happening by some
- Prediction: Any Health/Fitness Club Member Management System (MMS) Provider that doesn’t listen to it’s customer’s requests/demands on cooperation with 3rd Party applications will pay a price in lost customers and once more open up – the damage will be done for those that didn’t.

President & Chief Executive Officer, Active Wellness & BMC3
Bill is a health club industry veteran with over 25 years of experience leading and managing all aspects of commercial health clubs, medical fitness centers, community centers and corporate fitness centers. He owns BMC3 – a health club consulting company and is co-founder, President & CEO of Active Wellness (dba Active Sports Clubs). Bill has served as Chairman of the IHRSA Board of Directors, on the ACE Industry Advisory Board, on the ACSM Facility & Standards Guidelines and Recommendations Committee and is actively engaged in industry Board Service, as well as education and speaking on industry topics throughout the world.
If you like Bill McBride, listen to him on the Fitness Business Podcast