Top Tips From The Best Of The Boys On The Fitness Business Podcast
Here is what resonated for me on this weeks podcast with The Best Of The Boys:
- JT from Active Management said we need to not focus on the demographics, but rather the needs of people. We need to be able to identify and name 5 things our customers / avatar wants on their life wish list.
- Mike Michalowicz said we should be selective of your clients – not all clients are created equal, look at the ones that are your best and focus on them. Have the courage to get rid of your weakest clients and automatically your profits get boosted.
- Tim Keightley told us when recruiting new PTs, start by defining what you want your business to stand for, then look at what personal trainer you need to deliver that.
- Jim Worthington reminded us to write down your goals every day. You are 7 times more inclined to accomplish something if you write it down and he said that successful people will do what unsuccessful people could do, but choose not to do!
Listen To The Best Of The Boys Podcast Now
Tell us in the comments below your #1 Takeaway from this show or what success you have had from implementing an idea you heard here!
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Chantal worked for 15 years in senior sales and marketing roles in the media industry before transitioning careers. She began as a qualified Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor. Realising she could do more to help the industry, she became a Fitness Business Coach with Active Management. Then in 2015, she became the host of The Fitness Business Podcast. Now with over 262 shows and 500,000 downloads it is one of the world’s top podcasts for fitness business owners, managers and fitpreneurs.
Chantal has interviewed fitness industry leaders including Rick Caro, Bill McBride, Brent Darden, Rasmus Ingerslev, Derek Gallup, Alison Flatley, Mo Hagan, Sarah Robb O’Hagan, Carrie Kepple, Emma Barry.
Fitness industry award winners including Todd Durkin, Krista Popowych, Carol Michaels, Kristen Green.
International authors including Jay Baer, Jeb Blount, Mark Shaefer, Mike Michaelowicz, Michelle Segar.