Top Tips From Bill McBride On The Fitness Business Podcast

Here is what resonated for me on this weeks podcast with Bill McBride on creation vs evolution and what’s right for your fitness business:

How much appreciation and recognition are we giving our team? – Bill McBride


And Bill’s top tips were:

  • Always be pushing to make sure you are evolving and growing the programs within your club to stay relevant.
  • When you interview a new candidate, consider the traits the individual already has, do they take initiative, are they adaptable, do they have a positive outlook, are they results oriented and do they have integrity?
  • When it comes to managing staff if employees don’t feel appreciated, respected and recognised, then you will have higher turn over and less enthusiasm for doing a great job.

Listen To Bill's Podcast Now

Tell us in the comments below your #1 Takeaway from this show or what success you have had from implementing an idea you heard here!

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