Top Tips From Matt Wright On The Fitness Business Podcast

Here is what resonated for me on this week’s podcast with Matt Wright talking about professional development tips for Fitness Managers and Teams:

In order to lead, you must follow first – Matt Wright


And Matt’s top tips were:

  • When recruiting new employees, remember to be patient, aim to forecast when you might need new team members and advertise for them 30 – 45 days before you need them to start.
  • To keep team members engaged, keep in regular contact with them, daily messages, education, inspiration or motivational tips are a great way to do that.
  • Be deliberate in your practices. Whatever it is your doing do it with intent, with passion and the heart of a teacher and in order to lead, you must follow first.

Listen To Matt's Podcast Now

Tell us in the comments below your #1 Takeaway from this show or what success you have had from implementing an idea you heard here!

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