7 Design Mistakes That Make Readers Trash Your Emails – Part 4

Number 4 of the seven common design mistakes that get emails trashed today:email

Muddled information

You can make your emails instantly look more inviting by avoiding these formatting problems:

  • No hierarchy of information. When a reader glances at your email, they should know right away which information is the most important, what they should look at next, and what’s the least important. Make this obvious by using a larger, bolder and brighter main headline. Make your subheads smaller and less prominent. Make your legal information, notices and ‘housekeeping’ messages smallest and least important.
  • Great walls of text. To make your messages easy to scan, use plenty of subheads. Write in short paragraphs, breaking up your text into easily-digestible chunks.

Source: Constant Contact – http://conta.cc/XCFD8P