7 Design Mistakes That Make Readers Trash Your Emails – Part 7
Here’s how we all sort through our inboxes:
- We choose an email message
- We give it a two-second glance
- We decide if it’s worth our time
- If it is, we keep it and read it
- If it’s not, we hit the delete key, and send the email to the trash
How can you keep your email out of the trash? The secret is good design. In those first two seconds, that’s all your reader sees.
Number 7 of the seven common design mistakes that get emails trashed today:
Too frequent makeovers
You may want to tweak your email template after reading this article, and that’s great. I encourage you to improve it!
Once you’ve got it looking good, though, resist the urge to keep changing it. One way to keep your emails from being trashed is to choose a look and stick to it for a while so people recognise who the email is coming from in a quick glance.
Source: Constant Contact – http://conta.cc/XCFD8P
Justin is the Managing Director of Active Management, which he began January 2004. He offers coaching to businesses worldwide in everything from start up and design to marketing and sales systems. Justin also facilitates four Australian and New Zealand ‘fitness industry roundtables’ events, which allows him to see a huge cross section of business models.