Anyone Play Phone Tennis with Prospects?
I got this great summary of how to make your voice message ‘pop’ from Casey Conrad, so thought I would share it with you …
1. Message time makes a difference. There is some research that suggests you shouldn’t leave messages on Friday afternoons or Monday mornings. People are either checking out for the weekend or overwhelmed with sorting through all the weekend communication.
2. Brevity counts. People are busy; don’t ramble on. Know what you want to say, say it concisely, intelligently, with a positive tone and be done with it.
3. Name drop. If you are calling any type of referral, be sure to use that person’s name at the very beginning of the call – even before your name. This will lower their defences and get their attention.
4. Repeat your number. You know how aggravating it is to have to listen to an entire message again because the person spoke so fast you couldn’t get the number down (or were half listening and when you realised you need to write the number down you couldn’t find a pen fast enough). The solution is to give your number twice, slowly each time.
5. Leave a PS. Sounds crazy but when you say, ‘Oh, PS, …’ and fill in with an attention grabbing statement or piece of information it may just be enough to get them to call you back sooner rather than later.
Great tips Casey … thanks!

Justin is the Managing Director of Active Management, which he began January 2004. He offers coaching to businesses worldwide in everything from start up and design to marketing and sales systems. Justin also facilitates four Australian and New Zealand ‘fitness industry roundtables’ events, which allows him to see a huge cross section of business models.