AUSactive Health & Fitness Annual Trends Survey NOW OPEN

It’s time to vote for the anticipated future trends!

Exercise for Mental Health was the top anticipated trend in Australia for 2024, with the USA, Brazil and Italy also featuring this trend in their top 10. Will 2025 follow similar trends across different countries?  

You can now have your say with the annual Fitness Trends Survey now open until 17 June 2024. 

AUSactive CEO Barrie Elvish said the AUSactive survey provided valuable data for the Health and Fitness  Industry Trends Report, a global research and insights report from people working in the industry. 

“With our members at the forefront of our industry, they provide valuable data and insights into what  people are actively doing and what trends we are likely to see in the next 6-18 months,” Mr Elvish said. 

“This year Exercise for Mental Health was our #1 anticipated trend and was focused on an increase in  exercise programming designed to improve aspects of mental health, like reducing feelings of anxiety,  stress, and depression.” 

“Fitness Programs for Older Adults came in at #2, highlighting exercise professionals and businesses  recognising the importance of catering for the ageing population that continues to grow in size.  

“By developing suitable programs designed to improve the physical and mental health and quality of life of  the Australian population, our industry can continue to play an important role in preventative healthcare.” 

Mr Elvish said the more people who took part in the survey, the better the data can be helping shape our  industry in the future.  

“We are looking forward to seeing what the top trend of 2025 will be and are urging all business owners  and managers, exercise professionals, allied health professionals and medical professionals involved in the  active health & fitness sector to cast their vote,” Mr Elvish said. 

“Research and data are vital to the continued success and relevance of our industry. The more we can do to  tailor programs and options to keep more Australians physically active the better.” 

To have your say on the anticipated future health and fitness trends complete the survey before 17 June  2024 via here.