Education and News For The Fitness Industry

Hump Day Laugh #4

By JT | May 1, 2013
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10 Tips for Engaged Staff

By JT | April 30, 2013

Last month I stumbled across this very cool list of points that you can add to your HR library to help your staff engage more with each other and the culture of the business. Give them a voice. Listen to them. Implement their ideas. Give them all the credit. Pay them fairly. To build a…

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Starbucks: Acronyms Help Learning

By JT | April 26, 2013

In the plan to dominate the market in the 1990s, Starbucks knew they had to help their staff. Challenges would arise and customers would not be happy, which often led to unhappy staff. In order to help create a cultural shift they implemented an institutional habits program: ‘LATTE’. LATTE stands for: Listen Acknowledge Take action…

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What is a Business Coach?

By JT | April 25, 2013

The fitness business world moves fast and gets more competitive daily, the challenge for everyone in business is staying ahead. How else can you enhance in sales, marketing and management strategies. Having a Business Coach isn’t a luxury, it is a necessity your business must have.

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Ten Email Tips

By JT | April 25, 2013

Don’t over mail your list, but don’t undermail either. Create both text and html versions. Include a URL two or three times in your email letter. Remember that shorter is better. Test several subject lines before mailing, knowing that lines that are vague or intriguing work best. Send your email mid-week. Know that personalised email…

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Hump Day Laugh #3

By JT | April 24, 2013
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Selling on Price is a Disaster Waiting to Happen!

By JT | April 23, 2013

Author Lawrence L. Steinmetz said, ‘If you think you can match or sell below your competitor’s prices, you need to understand that you will have an ongoing, lifetime gun battle of survival which, sooner or later, you are going to lose. There is nothing that is ever going to make that go away.’ As a…

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Getting Videos Found on Google

By JT | April 19, 2013

Optimising your video is not just important for the searches being done on Google, Yahoo and YouTube. You will also find search results when the video you’ve watched ends, so it’s not just the search engines that will help get your video noticed. With videos being used so much more than ever, here are a…

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Do You Give Apple Products Away?

By JT | April 15, 2013

Did you realise that Apple have a team of people scouring newspapers and the online world seeing how people give their product away – which they don’t really like! In fact, while they realise the power of their product and their brand, they prefer their products not to be given away as it ‘cheapens’ their…

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How to Write a Survey: Tips from Kate Tribe

By JT | April 15, 2013

Kate Tribe from Tribe Research truly gets surveys and she shared some fantastic tips: Develop a database to provide you with information that you can continuously add to. Ask questions regularly, and remember – there is no point doing feedback if you don’t act on it. Regardless if you have a big or small database,…

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Aussie Brands on Facebook

By JT | April 15, 2013

I read a great blog post last month sharing insights into Facebook and Aussie brands! Carly made these great points for any size business to consider: What practices produced the best engagement results? Posting 2–4 times per week Posts involving a question, product/company information or competitions or those designed for pure engagement (e.g. ‘Have a…

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What to Tweet?

By JT | April 15, 2013

At Filex, I did a session on social media explaining why your tweets and Facebook updates need to be messages aligned with your brand. So I searched online and found this great list of things you can tweet and Facebook update: New announcements from your brand Teaser previews of offerings you are working on Related…

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Scanning is How We View Ads Now

By JT | April 11, 2013

In the time poor world we now live in, people don’t read ads … they scan them. So it’s important you nail these four components: 1. VISIBILITY: The unconscious eye is attracted to ads by these four factors: ad shape (rectangular ads which are taller than they are wide are best for guerrillas), colour, graphics,…

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Do You Want More Web Traffic?

By JT | April 11, 2013

Don’t we all! Here is a list of ways to help generate more traffic: Create awesome content to justify going (and returning to your site) – this means keeping your site up to date! Search engine optimisation – not sure what this is or means, we need to chat! Publicity – regularly do press releases…

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Email Marketing: Sniff Ya List!

By JT | April 11, 2013

I am receiving more and more email marketing and quite frankly, I have no idea how people get my email address. And to be honest, if they were educating me, I would have no issue but when they are just trying to flog me products, I get really upset. One of the emails I got…

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