Finally! Kiwi Fitness Businesses Have This Opportunity
The New Zealand Fitness Industry Leaders Roundtable is taking applications for up to 11 fitness business owners to join this incredible group.
Read MoreOne Fitness Business Owner Is On A Permanent Holiday And The Roundtable Helped Him
A Roundtable can be the most profound and powerful business and personal development program you ever get involved with as it is so unique.
Read MoreAttention: Sydney People! Want A Coffee With JT?
On Friday 27th September, JT will be available for FOUR one to one coaching sessions over a cup of coffee at Bondi Junction.
Read MoreImproving Your Vocal Technique: Tips 3 & 4
Most of us know that the primary purpose of breathing is to fuel the body with oxygen and carry away waste products, namely carbon dioxide. But how aware are we of our breath in relation to our voice?
Read MoreImproving Your Vocal Technique: Tip 2
As a voice coach it’s my job to help people rediscover the vocal freedom, flexibility and fitness they were born with. I often ask my clients to observe babies and toddlers for inspiration. Look at how they use their bodies and notice the variety of sounds they make.
Read MoreImproving Your Vocal Technique: Tip 1
Vocal fatigue is a common concern for instructors in the fitness sector. It can limit one’s ability to teach effectively, while having the potential for long-term damage to one’s health.
Read MoreTen Tips To Improve Your Vocal Technique
Voice training can be as liberating and energising as any other kind of physical exercise. But just like a physical work-out, poor vocal technique can lead to strain, fatigue and injury.
Read MoreFR3 Minutes #1 | Leading Millennials In Your Fitness Business
Your millennials want to work with purpose and make an impact on people’s lives but if we don’t lead them, give them opportunities and recognize them, they are more likely to leave us than tell us what they want.
Read More#JTInTheRaw Show 94 | Six Ways To Make Your Best Business Decisions
Do you love making decisions in your business? Most business owners dread it! Do you procrastinate in making a decision? Most business owners wait until the last moment!
Read MoreGym Chain Owners Lead With Investing In Leaders
You’ve heard me say this in #JTInTheRaw show 74, if you give a s*#t about your staff then give a s*#t about them. Last week, I saw owners care about their team beyond the numbers. They cared about them as people.
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