In 2018 The Fitness Industry Leaders Roundtable For Personal Trainers Returns
After a 12 month hiatus the Victorian Personal trainers Industry Leaders Roundtable will relaunch in February 2018.
Read MoreWhat’s The Difference Between A Mastermind Group & The Industry Leaders Roundtable?
In the fitness industry consultants forming mastermind groups are occurring as regularly as the sun coming up. My Facebook feed is filled daily with a new group being formed but none are the same as The Industry Leaders Roundtable.
Read More“This Is Not What I Thought!” The Statement Uttered By Fitness Business Owners Across The Globe
Last month, I attended a 3 day professional development program with REX Roundtables in the US where I learned that gym owners have their expectations exceeded in what is covered in a meeting. They are completely blown away by the culture, the relationships and the genuine care (maybe even love) members have for each other.
Read MoreFitness Industry Leaders Roundtable Launches in New Zealand in 2018
After operating in Australia since 2005, I am super excited to announce that I am launching an Industry Leaders Roundtable exclusively for New Zealand fitness business owners, managing directors and CEOs.
Read MoreWhat Are Opporthreats For Leaders Of A Fitness Business?
Last week, I attended a meeting of the Chairs of REX Roundtables from around the world. This was a 3-day intensive, peer to peer, professional development program to make me a better Chair of The Industry Leaders Roundtable.
Read MoreThe Official REX Bell For Leading Roundtables In The Fitness Industry
I was humbled at the recent REX Roundtables Chair meeting to receive my official bell to lead REX Roundtables. This may mean nothing to many people but for me it was acknowledgement by REX Founder, Will Phillips, that I had made it.
Read MoreLIMITED OPPORTUNITY | You can be one of 12 Personal Trainers | Clock is ticking
The greatest challenge I faced as a personal training business owner was not leads, nor sales, and not even retaining clients!
Read MoreKill The Stupid Rule(s) In Your Fitness Business -> Reduce Customer Friction -> Build Retention
Why not consider making the next 30 days your own ‘Kill The Stupid Rule’?
Read MoreLeadership Fundamentals 101 For Fitness Business Owners, Managers & Team Members Who Want A Career
There are countless books, blogs, podcasts and opinions on what makes an effective leader.
Read MoreLeadership Will Increase your Profit | Seven Days Away
In just seven days, you will learn the leadership tips of the world’s best fitness business innovators, entrepreneurs and leaders.
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