FR3 Minutes #12 | Enhancing Your Leadership in 3 Minutes

The 4 behaviours leaders demonstrate that lead to high performance of their department or business are:

  1. Being decisive;
  2. Engage for impact;
  3. Adapt proactively; and
  4. Deliver reliably.

Welcome to FR3 Minutes For Your Fitness Business with actionable tips this week to focus on your leadership behaviours!

These behaviours will sound simple and perhaps they are.  The success comes from maniacal consistency – a great challenge from anyone.

First behaviour is deciding with speed and conviction!  Great leaders of teams don’t always make the best the decisions.  They consistently make decisions: earlier, faster and with greater conviction.

Here are two questions to consider when making an early decision:

  • What is the impact or the consequences if I make the wrong decision?
  • How much will it hold up our progress across the company if I don’t make this decision?

Once you make that decision you stick with that decision.  If you back track, waiver or waffle to your Team they will quickly lose faith and trust in you.

Second behaviour is successful leaders have buy in from employees and other stakeholders in the business.  Leaders who excel at this engagement had a carefully planned strategy of communication and influence.

What is interesting is the importance leaders place on emotional energy – body language and moods – to create engagement.  Every comment you make, body movement or facial expression will be magnified by 10 by your Team!  You must remain composed.

We now live in a rapidly changing political, economic and social world, so adapting our leadership proactively must be a given these days.  This means your skill as leader is how you handle a curve ball.  How you handle something you are not trained for.  How you deal with something that is not in the playbook you have been studying in every spare minute.

As the leader you will constantly be faced with situations where a playbook doesn’t exist and your team will look to you for guidance.  This situation could be a setback, a failure or a challenge. Successful leaders accept they came up short, tweak their approach and get back into the battlefield.

You have to deal with setbacks so just get on with it!

Finally and as boring as this may sound, your ability to reliably produce results is the most powerful of the 4 leadership behaviours.  In fact, CEO’s who can demonstrate reliability are:

  • Twice as likely to be picked for a leadership role; and
  • 15 times more likely to be successful in that role.

This will not surprise you . . . those leaders who ranked high in reliability were planners and organisers.  They established:

  • Strong management systems;
  • Regular meetings with purpose;
  • Dashboards that showed key metrics;
  • Set clear accountability measures;
  • Monitored daily performance; and
  • A strong team around them.

These four behaviours will help you separate the best leaders from the rest when employing someone or establishing the behaviours you may need to work on.

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