Group Fitness Tip: The 2 Most Powerful Words
We’ve all heard it said that the two most powerful words an employer can say to an employee are Good Job or Well Done.
The affect of recognition, praise and awards, whether done privately face to face or publicly in front of peers is that your staff do everything in their power to live up to and often better that achievement.
Being recognised, bonds people to you and your company with a fierce loyalty. That feeling of wellbeing and accomplishment breeds’ loyalty and a desire to continue to excel.
The upshot of this is that the more we take the time to recognise our staff’s achievements, the higher the level of excellence will be and the greater your staff retention.

Leisl is the Group Exercise Manager at Virgin Active Norwest. 2017 winner of the prestigious Virgin Star Award which sent her to London to meet with Richard Branson. Leisl writes regularly for industry publications and is a Group Exercise Management Consultant for clubs needing analysis and advise on maximising their GEX potential.