How To Generate Sales From Your Leads In Your Gym
Last Friday, I completed a training session with an Anytime Fitness franchisee and their team and we had a double focus:
- Ensure everyone is pulling in the same direction: achieving our why; and
- Improving 1% on all our processes.
We talked about being remarkable in every engagement with a prospect and a member. We used Seth Godin’s definition of remarkable: worthy of remark. I explained that being remarkable when it comes to leads could be as simple as literally getting back to the leads in a timely and a professional manner. We coined the phrase ‘speed to lead.’
To emphasis my points on improving how we handle leads, I wish I had the US data that Ian Mullane shared before I met with this team. made 410 membership enquiries to North American Gym Operators.
? 58% didn’t reply to email enquiries. Those that did took an average of 4hrs to reply
? 61% did not respond to Facebook enquiries. Those that did took >17hrs to reply
? 52% did not respond to Instagram enquiries. Those that did took an average of 37hrs to reply.
I have been banging on about this for years. I would be very surprised if gyms do not have enough leads. I think the greater problem is the sales processes and systems. #offmysoapboxnow.
We had an awesome day as the team got to know each other at a deeper level, built trust, challenged each other and focused on getting better. Watch this AF group achieve great things in the future.
Do you recognise anyone . .

Justin is the Managing Director of Active Management, which he began January 2004. He offers coaching to businesses worldwide in everything from start up and design to marketing and sales systems. Justin also facilitates four Australian and New Zealand ‘fitness industry roundtables’ events, which allows him to see a huge cross section of business models.