IHRSA 2017 Ideas From Polana Gosar Of Slovenia

It is hard to explain only about 3 learnings I got from IHRSA.

For sure one thing is being more present with people. Either while teaching, presenting or leading people through their everyday life, I need to be more present.  We tend to get so hooked on all the technology  phones, social media, emails that we forget to actually be present when we talk or listen to people.

I often forget that many members and even my team do not have the knowledge to understand what the group exercise classes that we offer EXACTLY do for members – i.e. the point of the class. We need to be more simple, holistic and authentic with the informations that we deliver.

Our role is help every member become a better person, not only in physically but as a human being. With becoming better person you can influence everybody.

Your digital signature impacts your brand when people search about you on web. The information you post on social media and on line must be on brand.

Active Management Note

Thanks Polana for your contribution.  You prove that IHRSA truly is an international conference.  Great to see you in my session too.