[Live Training] Get your market to say what they want (and then buy it)


What if your product was “sold out” (and profitable) before it was ever created?

Sound impossible? It’s not.

Over the last decade, Leadpages CEO Clay Collins has continuously sold out high-end coaching programs, courses, software, and other products long before he spent one penny on production.

It’s how Clay and his team first launched Leadpages three years ago. They presold the first Leadpages product to 200 customers—before they ever created the software.

Just a few months back, Clay and his team did it again. They presold Leadpages’ new product, Center, and closed 1,500 customers in less a week—months before they released this new product to the world.

Want to see how this “presale” process works? Now is your chance.

On Thursday, Clay is hosting a very special live training to show you exactly how to get your market to tell you the exact product or program they’re desperate to buy from you … and then get your audience to “pre-buy” that product before you create it.

To be clear, that means you’re profitable right out of the gate. This process also stops you from creating a product that no one wants to buy.

Because you’re a member of my audience, this live training is a gift to you. You can register below.

Live Training: Get Your Market to Pre-Buy Your Product (Before You Create It)

Here’s what you can expect from tomorrow’s live training. . .

  • How to generate more revenue from your upcoming product or service before it even exists than most people make years after they’ve finished their product (even if you don’t know what your product or market is yet).

  • Why you should never, ever create a product until long after it’s already a profitable crowd favorite.

  • How to get paid to figure out what books, coaching programs, courses, software, and other services to sell.

  • The exact process we have used at Leadpages to launch features, products, and even our entire business.

  • How to combine your product development and marketing efforts so you’re creating proven marketing (effortlessly) while you’re creating the product.

Leadpages CEO Clay Collins will be show you exactly how that’s done tomorrow. This live training starts tomorrow morning at 11 am Eastern (8 am Pacific).

I know I’ll be there. I hope you’ll consider joining me. You can sign up below.

Go here to register for tomorrow’s one-time-only live training. ←

P.S. It’s worth noting: This is only the second live training Leadpages CEO has hosted in over a year. It’s very unlikely he will repeat this webinar anytime soon. So if you’re interested, I highly encourage you to join me live tomorrow. ←