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Certificate III & IV in Fitness now recognised as Fee-Free TAFE and VET courses in NSW and NT

By Barrie Elvish | January 25, 2023

AUSactive’s continuous advocacy work across Australia has paved the way for Certificate III and IV in Fitness now being recognised as Fee-Free TAFE courses in New South Wales and the Northern Territory for the 2023 intake year.

How To Create a Team That Excels Your Business

By Vanessa Leone | January 23, 2023

What’s often not talked about in the fitness industry is what do you need to recruit to create a team that excels? I am not talking about team culture, that’s coming next edition. I am talking about a team that produces results, has clear job descriptions and who can harmonise working to their strengths. 

Selling From The Heart with Larry Levine

By JT | January 20, 2023

Larry Levine is the best-selling author of Selling from the Heart and co-host of the Selling from the Heart Podcast. With 30 years of in-the-field sales experience within the B2B technology space, he knows what it takes to be a successful sales professional.

The Talent Game – Designing the EMPLOYEE Experience Journey

By Brent Darden | January 19, 2023

Gallup released a “Hands-On Guide” to the employee journey that identifies the critical components of a thoughtfully designed employee experience and it couldn’t have come at a better time, as the war on talent is very real and visible across virtually every industry.

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Summer Nelson

Summer Nelson, Owner at My Trainer Corporation

Justin is an outstanding business mentor and coach. His work as facilitator of the Personal Trainers Industry Leader's Roundtable is exceptional. I thoroughly recommend him and his programs to anyone wishing to maximise their success.


Troy Morgan, Willows Health & Lifestyle Centre

Stepping away and truly looking at your business with the benefit of peer interaction is such a strong force in driving my business forward.

Shane Casey

Shane Casey, Anytime Fitness Franchisee

Thank you for all your guidance and support over the last 12 months JT. I am a better leader through your coaching and mentoring. I feel this achievement is very much a result of the direction you have provided.

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