Latest From The Blog
Australian Fitness Industry Legends Recognised
On Friday night at the Fitness Australia Awards, 8 industry legends were inducted into the Fitness Australia Roll of Honour. This is the Hall of Fame for the fitness industry!
Willows Health & Lifestyle Centre Wins At Fitness Australia Awards
At the annual Fitness Australia Awards last Friday night, Troy, Sue, Craig & Amber all represented Willows Health & Lifestyle Centre from Toowoomba and they won the ‘bestest’ club in the land!
Personal Training Business Admin Tip: Fitness Australia
As a personal trainer, you are expected to keep up to date with current fitness news and information, trends and research.
Guerilla Flyers to Get Results
This month I got a great email from Jay Conrad Levinson, the father of ‘guerrilla marketing’!
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What our clients say about working with us

Summer Nelson, Owner at My Trainer Corporation
Justin is an outstanding business mentor and coach. His work as facilitator of the Personal Trainers Industry Leader's Roundtable is exceptional. I thoroughly recommend him and his programs to anyone wishing to maximise their success.

Troy Morgan, Willows Health & Lifestyle Centre
Stepping away and truly looking at your business with the benefit of peer interaction is such a strong force in driving my business forward.

Shane Casey, Anytime Fitness Franchisee
Thank you for all your guidance and support over the last 12 months JT. I am a better leader through your coaching and mentoring. I feel this achievement is very much a result of the direction you have provided.
We see you as a leader first, business owner second and you work in the fitness industry. You'll lead your fitness business with more clarity, focus and success when you work with Active Management.
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