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Google Analytics Puzzle Solved
We are huge fans of Google AdWords because we know how powerful a campaign can be for your Personal Training business. So we are super excited to bring you these great tips, shared with us from Mel Samson at Click–Winning Content. Tips for your Google Ad-words campaign: Before starting a ad words campaign, work out…
Rifles or Cannonballs: What do you fire?
Great by Choice, written by Jim Collins and Morton Hansen, is the follow up to, Good to Great. ‘Chapter 4: Fire Bullets; then Cannonballs’ is a wonderful way to remember that experimentation and prototypes are extraordinarily valuable when seeking improvements and progress. In the 18th Century, wise captains did not waste their cannonballs. They would shoot…
10 Tips for Engaged Staff
Last month I stumbled across this very cool list of points that you can add to your HR library to help your staff engage more with each other and the culture of the business. Give them a voice. Listen to them. Implement their ideas. Give them all the credit. Pay them fairly. To build a…
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Summer Nelson, Owner at My Trainer Corporation
Justin is an outstanding business mentor and coach. His work as facilitator of the Personal Trainers Industry Leader's Roundtable is exceptional. I thoroughly recommend him and his programs to anyone wishing to maximise their success.

Troy Morgan, Willows Health & Lifestyle Centre
Stepping away and truly looking at your business with the benefit of peer interaction is such a strong force in driving my business forward.

Shane Casey, Anytime Fitness Franchisee
Thank you for all your guidance and support over the last 12 months JT. I am a better leader through your coaching and mentoring. I feel this achievement is very much a result of the direction you have provided.
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