Show You Really Listen
Feedback we receive consistently from our mystery shoppers is, “They just didn’t listen to me!”
When a sales person or personal trainer asks, “Are you currently exercising?” or “What is your current program?” and the prospect answers by explaining what they are doing, how often they do it, how long they do it and even some of the results they are or are not getting from their current routine, it completely throws the sales person or trainer if they are not listening!
As business owners we train our Team so well in scripting that the next question after are they currently exercising is what are they doing. But you already know this – they told you!
When doing sales training ensure the number 1 skill you teach is not scripting but listening! It is frustrating for the prospect and shows you are not listening if you fire questions back that you have already been told the answer.
Your conversions will increase when you are an active listener. We also recommend taking notes on the phone or face to face with a prospect. This will help you realise you already know the answers to the questions you are about to ask!
If you are in Australia and would like to try an Introductory Mystery Shopper Program, click here.

Justin is the Managing Director of Active Management, which he began January 2004. He offers coaching to businesses worldwide in everything from start up and design to marketing and sales systems. Justin also facilitates four Australian and New Zealand ‘fitness industry roundtables’ events, which allows him to see a huge cross section of business models.