Smart and Dumb Things for Your Salespeople
This month I read Anne Danter’s “Smart and Dumb things that affect my buying decision” column courtesy of Jeffrey Gitomer:
- Smart: Honesty. Truth at all times and at all costs. Do not lie and think you’ll get away with it, because you won’t. If I can’t tell you’re a liar immediately, I soon will and one lie banishes you.
- Dumb: Telling an expedient lie. We have it in stock (and you don’t). It will be delivered on Thursday (and it isn’t). Or, it’s backordered and you didn’t have the common courtesy to call and tell me in advance.
- Smart: Give me valuable ideas. If you can provide suggestions or ideas on how to make my life (work, personal or family) better, you’ll be a hero to me and a valuable resource.
- Dumb: Function only as an order-taker. Rush in at the last minute, pressure me about the impending deadline and demand the sale now or else.
- Smart: Understand and be interested in me. If you make an attempt to show interest and understand, I’ll spend all the time in the world to educate you, because you’ll only be better equipped to help me.
- Dumb: Communicating ‘non-sense’. Illustrate a lack of understanding and appreciation for my position, my job pressures or what makes sense to me.
- Smart: Treat me with respect. Be courteous, on time and well mannered. If you’re not, it’s a guaranteed deal killer.
- Dumb: Bad manners. Late, disruptive, poor attitude, and the inability to listen cuts off the ink supply to my pen.
- Smart: Be a decent human being, with some sense of ethics and morals. It makes me feel positive about doing business with you and gives me some reassurance you won’t try to screw me over.
- Dumb: Schmooze bad about the competition. Talking out of turn about others. It arouses suspicion every time, that either you and/or your product are less than desirable.

Justin is the Managing Director of Active Management, which he began January 2004. He offers coaching to businesses worldwide in everything from start up and design to marketing and sales systems. Justin also facilitates four Australian and New Zealand ‘fitness industry roundtables’ events, which allows him to see a huge cross section of business models.