Snap Fitness Set To Launch In Cairns

Jumping into a New Year’s fitness resolution, and sticking to it, is set to become easier for the Cairns community, with the first 24/7 Snap Fitness club set to open in February 2025 at Raintrees Shopping Centre.

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How Australian Gyms Perform in Lead Response. Results from the First Mystery Shopping Study

If there’s one thing that can make or break a fitness business, it’s how well you handle member enquiries. We’ve all heard it before—your lead response times, the quality of conversations, and the platforms you use can massively impact your success. But until now, no one has taken the time to really dig into what’s going on behind the scenes across the industry.

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What Is A ‘Top Gun’?

At Mystery Shopping for Fitness Businesses, we define a ‘Top Gun’ as a team member who consistently provides outstanding customer service that shines through among the thousands of Mystery Shopping Call Evaluations and Walk in Tours, that we conduct every year.

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