Top Tips From Jay Baer On The Fitness Business Podcast

Jay Baer

Here is what resonated for me on this week’s podcast with Jay Baer sharing why it is so important to hug your haters:

If you SELL something you can create a customer today, but if you HELP someone, you can create a customer for life – Jay Baer


And Jay’s top tips were:

  • When you answer someones complaint, it takes a bad situation and makes it better – but if you don’t answer someones complaint it takes a bad situation and makes it worse. Jay’s advice is you must answer everybody!
  • No response is a response – that says ‘we don’t care’.
  • Answer every complaint, in every channel, every time.

Listen To Jay's Podcast Now

Tell us in the comments below your #1 Takeaway from this show or what success you have had from implementing an idea you heard here!

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