What Makes REX Roundtables Unique? We Are Family
I am often asked, "I see you posting REX Roundtables stuff so what the hell is it? Because there are already shit loads of business coaching programs I can join!"
This picture sums up REX and allows me to assure any business owner in the fitness industry that this is the most unique aspect of REX: #REXFamily!
The background to this picture, is we have a couple who are members of this REX. The wife did not attend as her son was wrestling for Varsity but they value REX so much that the husband came alone.
This photo was taken at 4:30, when we were Facetimed in to watch the wrestling bout.
This organically happened and was 100% genuine with every #REXer glued to the computer screen to see if he was going to win - which he did!
And when he did, there was back slapping and high fiving going on for dad.
You see REX will help your business grow, strengthen and develop. The difference is that REX adds the unique layer: we will also be a family for you!
Do You Want to Know More About REX Roundtables?
Let us connect you with any of our members for a testimonial.

Justin is the Managing Director of Active Management, which he began January 2004. He offers coaching to businesses worldwide in everything from start up and design to marketing and sales systems. Justin also facilitates four Australian and New Zealand ‘fitness industry roundtables’ events, which allows him to see a huge cross section of business models.