What to Tweet?
At Filex, I did a session on social media explaining why your tweets and Facebook updates need to be messages aligned with your brand. So I searched online and found this great list of things you can tweet and Facebook update:
- New announcements from your brand
- Teaser previews of offerings you are working on
- Related interesting news from the industry
- Trivia related to your product: history, technology, anything!
- Ask for suggestions – people love to help someone out.
- Events you are holding (this informs as well as gets you attendees)
- Events you are participating in (this shows you are active)
- Witty one-liners: jokes, daily wisdom, or just about anything else!
- Helping people find opportunities (Helping people solve their problems is the best thing you can do to promote your brand.)
- Popular events: upcoming sports events, festivals, etc.
- Unexpected developments – was Gmail down today? Tweet about it!
- Regular industry news – yup, this doesn’t hurt if mixed in.
- Sales announcements
- Job openings – open positions, both with your brand and at other places you know
- Ask for customer feedback! Invite people to share their experiences with your brand.
- Participate in the relevant hash tags, and get more visibility.
- Set up and announce tweet chats based on brand-related hashtags.
- Follow people and make acknowledgement via tweets.
- Thank people who have recently followed you.
- Post the latest updates from your blog along with the link.
- Direct people to other social media channels you own by tweeting about them.
- Search on your brand name and respond to tweets that are about you.
- Create Twitter lists of industry-relevant analysts, well-wishers or customers, and announce the lists publically. This sends a positive message to the mentioned people.
- Participate in trending topics and viral hashtags to rope in some attention. Ensure your opinion is related to your brand somehow.
- Tweet-greet your followers daily. Saying small things like ‘good morning,’ or asking about their health goes a long way in forging ties.
- Tweet and tag your best employee of the week. This keeps the staff motivated and gives them a platform.
- Announce weekly deals, tweetpon (coupon), etc. and evaluate its viral reach to understand how influential your brand is.
- For B2B brands, find analysts on Twitter and build up conversations with them. Twitter is the best place for making your opinion heard.
- Give daily twitter tips on usage of your brand’s products/service or on the basis of industry expertise. Tips sell well on Twitter.
- Make regular #FF Follow Friday recommendations or announce fan of the week with some incentives or freebies to the winners.
Source: Social Media Today

Justin is the Managing Director of Active Management, which he began January 2004. He offers coaching to businesses worldwide in everything from start up and design to marketing and sales systems. Justin also facilitates four Australian and New Zealand ‘fitness industry roundtables’ events, which allows him to see a huge cross section of business models.