2018 | What Our Members Can Expect
2018 will be the best year for Active Management Members because we can focus on delivering you content!
We have had 2 false starts with our Member Hub. This is now sorted!
We have tried different forums for discussion and now we have our closed Facebook group.
Members are increasingly participating in the conversation threads and even pose questions. We are all here to help and support each other, so we expect this component of our community to explode this year.
We really feel confident and excited about the year ahead for Active Management Members.
Anybody can become a member by clicking here.
Monthly Q & A
We launched last year our monthly benefit where members could send me questions in advance or live and I would answers them on a monthly Facebook Live show – see the previous Q & A here.
This is like FREE consulting and I predict in 2018 will exponentially grow! I bet I’ll be answering more and more questions every month!
Latest Social Media Information
I have just finished a social media video which is now highly relevant after Facebook’s announcement last week. Alicia will have this posted before the end of the month. This is exclusive for members and is not for sale!
The only way you’ll see this is to become a member here.
More Ebooks To Add To The 13!
I have 3 or 4 ebooks that will come out during the year.
Supplier Network
We are building up the supplier list who will be looking after Active Management members with exclusive valued adds and discounts – our first one will be on Facebook messenger bots in February.
Positions Vacant Ads
Please remember we want to help you find the best people for your business, so you can place free job ads on our Active Management blog. This means you can pay nothing and have your ads for staff broadcast across our social network – over 15,000 touch points on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.
NEW in 2018: Wise Words from You
I will randomly select 5 or 6 members every month to answer one question about running a fitness business. Their answer to the question in 50 words or less will be an idea members can then action. The questions will be the common questions I get, so I’m going to the trenches to gather answers to help you. We should have a variety of different answers, so that in your business you will #thinkanddodifferent.
NEW in 2018: Business Spotlight Month
This year we will be providing you a monthly spotlight in an area of your business. Beginning from February, we want to spark thoughts and action in sticking points in your business.
For a month you’ll have laser focus on one issue and together we will solve it!
We have a few other things in the pipeline, so keep your eyes peeled here and in the Member Facebook group and also in your email!

Justin is the Managing Director of Active Management, which he began January 2004. He offers coaching to businesses worldwide in everything from start up and design to marketing and sales systems. Justin also facilitates four Australian and New Zealand ‘fitness industry roundtables’ events, which allows him to see a huge cross section of business models.