#JTInTheRaw Show 13: Are your phone calls remarkable? So people talk about your call.
Well I’m back! Thank you for your love and positive comments about the show. I’m here for another 12 shows. After that we can both evaluate if we should keep going.
Hang in here with me today as I’m going to tell you about Garry from Living Fresh who inspired me to change my whole day’s plans to meet him. Then I’ll share a simple marketing success I had; and some goal setting insights.
Chris Burnett the coach of the 1st XI for inviting me to work with his team for a second year. I’ve been working with the boys on building trust between them, teaching them about goal setting, helping them understand about action steps and inspiring them to not accept just making the 1st XI but winning the premiership & performing! Thanks Chris for the opportunity & good luck in the coming season.
Sean Greeley & Tom Hart from NPE. Sean flew in to Aussie on Tuesday & a few hours later was having a green tea with me. It was a fantastic meeting where we both discussed how we can work together. We are both now super comfortable with what NPE does & what Active does. We are now working together nicely. If you want to know how NPE can help you, pop NPE in the comments below. Thanks for your time Sean & Tom and for being open to our relationship.
All the new subscribers to #JTInTheRaw. You’ll remember I had the oppportunity to chat with Gary Vaynerchuk & if you missed last week’s show, go back and watch it to learn my insights. What I didn’t realise was that a camera was rolling when we chatted and I found myself on DailyGaryVee show 67. This video has now been watched 70K times, which meant JTInTheRaw has been heard 70K times. Which is very cool. The result some new subscribers, so welcome!
If you didn’t realise I have a #JTInTheRaw YouTube channel which you can subscribe to, so you never miss a show.
Oh and this week I launched a Facebook page too. Not sure how I got it but it is JT! I just need more people to like the page so I can claim the page. If you are happy to like my page, then pop in the comments JT & I’ll send the link to the Facebook page.
Remember you can ask me any question by using the tag #AskJT, emailing me or putting your question in the comments below.
This weeks question comes from Darren.
“I’m running a short term program for a low entry point, I planned on doing emails every week for engagement with our clients. What would you do?”
Well Darren I’d do a closed Facebook group. Here are my reasons:
- If you set your group up well & up ramp your new members in to the group, they’ll run the group for you.
- When you email they cannot engage with you or the group. Put it on FB & the group can talk about your education.
What I learned this week
Never put the washing machine on & leave the home! On Monday our washing machine sprung a leak and squirted cold water down the carpet.
Let me cut to the chase …Gary from Living Fresh called me as the preferred insurance supplier. And here’s how the call went ‘I’m Garry from Living Fresh & I’m the knight in shining armour who will ride in today and rescue your carpet.’
He went on, ‘So NRMA told me you had an unplanned water feature in your house. Have you plugged the hole or do I need to bring a cork?’
This guy drys carpet for a living! The words he used and the tone of voice had me … I was laughing. I wanted to meet Garry!
Garry gave me 2 options neither of which were very convenient but because I wanted to meet this dude, I made the time & then re-arranged my life.
The marketing guru Seth Godin define remarkable as ‘worthy of remark’ … Garry was remarkable. When you ring a client or prospect do you sound remarkable or are you boring!
Ann Handley from Marketing Profs said if we want our marketing message to cut through we need to find interesting ways to say boring stuff.
Any phone contact with a client or a prospect IS marketing! And Garry’s call could have been boring but he made it exciting!
Let’s analyse the result from the call from Garry:
- I re-arranged my day to meet Garry, so it was convenient to him not me.
- I’m telling you about Garry & the business
- I felt confident & connected with Garry
- I’d give Garry non-insurance work in a heart beat & I still haven’t met him.
Question: Would the people you spoke to yesterday feel the same as the way I felt after my call? Would they be telling people about your call?
Find interesting ways to say boring stuff!
My second lesson this week was unplanned and proved successful. I am travelling to many Aussie cities over the next month. Generally, I fly mid afternoon & drive home in traffic. I just get home before Zoe goes to bed – just! So I thought, FaceTime Zoe before I leave a city so I can work in the afternoons with clients.
I emailed a segmented market and gave a specific offer. The offer was 3 hours of coaching and the investment was not discounted. In 4 hours I was sold out. There was no sales process, it was taking an order.
The keys I think were:
- Scarcity & urgency – there were limited sessions available.
- Transparent – I included the price which meant the reader knew the package & the investment.
I debated about discounting my service. I debated saying normally 1100 but now just 900. I decided that I wouldn’t discount I’d just put the price in the marketing piece and see what happens.
I do think the limited available sessions drove people to make a decision fast.
Will I do this again … absolutely!
In fact, any US people watching I’m coming to the US in November and I have only 3 days available for work. If you want me to work with your team, put US in the comments & I’ll send you when I’m coming & your investment.
The lesson for your business: build genuine urgency & scarcity into your offers. If you are genuine, you don’t need to discount!
My third lesson this week came from working with the elite cricket team. We had talked about setting goals a few weeks ago & I came back to see how they went.
I learned never assume!
I assumed the boys would write their goals down … nope! I assumed they’d realise they need to establish action steps to achieve their goals … nope.
So the 3 lessons:
- Never assume …
- Be specific in your instructions – write your goals down
- Tell them everything they need to do / write down the action steps to achieve your goals
But I’m sure you all knew that!
If you think my lessons learned this week would help anyone you know, tag them in the comments below or share this video.
Next Week…
Next week is school holidays, so I get time with Zoe. The 2 of us are going to hang out together on Monday but we have no idea what to do. If you have any suggestions for what we can do pop it in the comments below. Love your ideas … go!
She’s off to a netball camp on Tuesday & Wednesday which excites her.
This means back to work for me!
Tuesday I’m designing October as catch up month for the Active Management members. I’m theming each week members with tips & challenges so you can get the MOST from your membership.
Wednesday is a writing day. I’ve been asked to write for Health Club Managements 2017 Handbook. This is a major publication and an honour to be asked … thank you Kate.
Thursday I’m running a training session for fitness industry suppliers. We have a growing number of suppliers on our Supplier Directory & on our Member Hub. If your an industry supplier and want to be included, just pop in the comments Supplier & I’ll send you the link to join our directory. But I digress … I’m going to share with our supplier clients how they can add content to the member hub to build relationships.
Next Friday for show 14, I’ll be in Sydney & I’ve got a special guest joining me! You better come back next week to see who SHE is …
And that’s the end of show 13 … wow!
Please share the show with anyone you think would benefit from hearing Gary’s story or my marketing success.
And don’t forget send your questions to AskJT in the comments below.
Quote of the Week . . .
Be or do something remarkable this week. That is, so people make remarks about you.
Check out previous shows here:
#JTInTheRaw Show 12: Quotes from Gary Vaynerchuk, Status Breeds Retention & Membership Growth Tips
#JTInTheRaw Show 11: Science of Gratitude & Anytime Fitness Conference
#JTInTheRaw Show 10: Confessions Of A Small Business Owner
#JTInThe Raw Show 9: Customer Service & Bending The Rules For A Customer; and 6 Tips To Business Success
#JTInTheRaw Show 8: KPIs & Responsibilities; Hug Your Haters; Rick Mayo & Fitness Business

Justin is the Managing Director of Active Management, which he began January 2004. He offers coaching to businesses worldwide in everything from start up and design to marketing and sales systems. Justin also facilitates four Australian and New Zealand ‘fitness industry roundtables’ events, which allows him to see a huge cross section of business models.