#JTInTheRaw Show 30: Career Goals With Focus & How Much Follow Up On Sales
If I could share with you a powerful tip that led a man to have a net worth of $73B, would you be interested?
Watch on!
Have you ever wondered how to get your mojo back at work?
Watch on!
The show this week is live from Bondi Beach and I guarantee that what I share is relevant for any business, any industry and any body who is employed!
By the way, Bondi Beach is on the itinerary for anyone who visits Sydney and it was also the location of the first health club I managed.
So if you get bored with my show, just enjoy the view . . .
This week’s show:
- Two shout outs
- How to determine WHAT goals to set and what goals not to set according to Warren Buffet who has a total net worth of $73B.
- #AskJT about getting your mojo back and how many follow ups do you need to make to a prospect.
Shout Outs This Week
A shout out is a way I like to recognise people and this week I have a shout out to:
- Active Management Members – thanks to the members who had re-joined the Active Management Members Facebook page. We listened to you and we brought back the Facebook page as the forum to communicate efficiently and effectively to you. We know this will up the value in membership for you. If you’re a member and are not in the closed Facebook group, click here. If you’re not a member and want some membership info click here.
- All the Aussies & Indians watching today. Yesterday was Australia Day, so I hope you had a great day celebrating our amazing country! And to any Indians watching happy Republic Day to you for yesterday!
Grit By Angela Duckworth
I’ve just started reading this book.
I have watched Angela’s TED talk called Grit and it is a ripper. If you haven’t seen it, click here. The book goes into far more depth than the TED talk and while a tougher read than I expected it is quite fascinating.
She says GRIT is about working on something you care about so much that you’re willing to stay loyal to it.
GRIT has two components passion and perseverance. And that is when we have consistency over time with our efforts.
And while I’m ploughing through the book, one thing jumped out for me and comes from Warren Buffet – the man who is allegedly worth over $73B. In a story, Buffett counsels his pilot in how to turn his dreams into reality in 3 steps:
- Write down a list of 25 career goals.
- Circle the 5 highest priority goals.
- Re-read the remaining 20 goals and then avoid them at all costs!
Buffett said those 20 ‘other’ goals are what distracts you from achieving your top 5 goals. These other 20 will eat into your time, energy, resources and brain space for achieving your top 5 goals.
I think that’s great advice from Buffet and if you have not set your business goals for 2017, then get your shit together and get them done! In 4 days 8% of your year is gone. Get your skates on and starting moving toward your goals.
Back to Grit, I’m going to keep going with the book as I am keen to learn more about building grit into the culture of businesses. As businesses gets tougher, we need to keep working hard and I’m hoping this book will give me some tips to share with clients.
If you’d like a link to grab the book Grit, grab it here.
Remember if you want:
- Angela Duckworth’s TED talk link pop Angela in the comments;
- A link to the buy the book pop ‘Grit’ in the comments; and
- If you think someone you know could benefit from Warren Buffett’s tips on getting focus on goals then pop their name in the comments.
I have two questions this week and from different corners of the globe and I said relevant to ALL business people.
Question 1 is a result of a discussion with one of my clients, who said he’d hoped that after 3 weeks holiday he’d return to work with new found energy, enthusiasm and desire to work. Alas, he has a feeling of frustration as membership continues to flat line.
I said “focus on what are your strengths.” I know marketing and sales are not what he loves. He knows he has to do it but it not his strength. And if you watched show 15, I talk about working in your strength zone and shared the statistic that 70% of people don’t have the opportunity to do what they do best and so they disengage at work. And this includes you! You will disengage and lose your mojo if you’re not doing what is your strength. If you missed the show on working on your strengths, watch it by clicking here.
So my suggestion to him was do what he does best. We chatted and determined his strength was creating an experience for his members. Of course we drilled down further to explore “how” to do this.
Running a business is really tough when we set goals that have variables that we have no control over. It will test your GRIT!
I like to build the confidence of my clients and have them work in their strength zone and plot how that zone can help them achieve their end goal. This may require imagination or some serious strategy but that’s why you pay for a coach! So in this example, we are certainly not giving up on growth, we just going to attack growth from the retention angle and use this client’s strength.
If you are not working in your strength zone you will not have your mojo on. So identify your strength zone to get and keep your mojo!
Question 2 this week comes from Dan in Seattle. Dan has his own gym and asked “How many times do I need to follow up someone who I have price presented to? And I don’t want to harass them.”
Ok Dan let me share stat’s from the US National Sales Executive Association and the fact you following up is awesome as it appears 48% of sales people never follow up a prospect.
- 25% of sales people make a second contact and stop
- 12% make three contacts and stop
- And only 10% make more than three contacts
Here are the kicker stat’s Dan:
- Only 2% of sales are made on the first contact
- 3% of sales are made on the second contact
- 5% of sales are made on the third contact
- 10% are made on the fourth
- and wait for it . . . 80% of sales are made on the fifth to twelfth contact!
Does that answer your question Dan?
The real question Dan is HOW are you following up? If you are not adding value in those contacts THEN you ARE harassing them.
Dan plan out your 12 contacts:
- Plan what mode of contact you will use – call, text, email.
- Plan out what resources you can add to those contacts to add value
And you’ll make sales.
And that’s #AskJT for #JTInTheRaw show 30! Did you know you can subscribe to every JTInTheRaw eposide by subscribing on You Tube – click here to never miss a show.
Next Week
I start 6 weeks of travel next week. I have the Victorian PT Industry Leaders Roundtable on Thursday in Melbourne and the NSW PT Roundtable on Friday. The members of these groups are sharing their 2017 goals and together we are planning and then be quizzed by their peers.
I’m also writing this week as we plan an amazing interactive challenge to get your business financially fit in 2017. You’ll see more details as we get closer to launching this in late February.
I hope to finalise a new website. I’ll confirm that in next week’s show.
And of course for Zoe it is back to school this week. So the excitement of Monday is who is her teacher!?
And next week JTInTheRaw show 31 will be from Performance PT, just before the NSW PT Roundtable so tune in . . .
Quote of The Week
To make sales out “follow up” your competitors. This means more contacts, different contacts and more value in each contact.
Check out all previous shows here: http://www.activemgmt.com.au/category/jt-in-the-raw/

Justin is the Managing Director of Active Management, which he began January 2004. He offers coaching to businesses worldwide in everything from start up and design to marketing and sales systems. Justin also facilitates four Australian and New Zealand ‘fitness industry roundtables’ events, which allows him to see a huge cross section of business models.