#JTInTheRaw Show 49: The Power Of Getting Out From Your 4 Walls
This week I had a brand new person attend the Club Owners Industry Leaders Roundtable meeting and here is what he said, “It’s never a good time to step out of my business but I have been able to free up head space to think.”
How often do you genuinely step out of your business to work on your business? And that is the topic for today . . . regardless of your business, step out to improve it.
More on how and why you do this shortly.
This show . . .
- A thank you
- A shout out
- The #1 tip to grow your business
- And what cheeses me off with a massive tip on tagging in social media
Thank you to everyone for your amazing feedback on last week’s show. Last week the focus was how to make your “About Us” page on your website a lead generator. I am very grateful for your emails and FB messages. I feel super pumped that I add value to your businesses. Awesome!
If you missed show 48 click here to watch this show.
I have a shout out today to Dan O’Dea from Virgin Active. Dan is the National Sales Manager for Virgin Active and a very busy guy! Yet this week he gave up 90 minute of his time to spend with the members of Industry Leaders Roundtable. The shout out is not only for his time but what he shared. Dan was so open with his thoughts, opinions, and Virgin information. It was so refreshing to hear honesty and not what I call bar bull shit. Dan shared the strengths and weaknesses of his brand. Thank you Dan!
So let’s talk about how to get hyper growth in your business.
I had a really honest chat with a club owner this week. They said to me in the quiet moments of the past weeks they are trying to see where they fit into the business. They love being at the operational level. They love jumping in and solving problems. Or putting out little fires.
I can understand why they love this. It makes us as the leader of the business feel wanted and needed. In all honesty, it’s great for our ego.
And I think this is systemic in business.
The successful business owners understand that their business and their Team need a leader.
The analogy I would use is your business is a ship and every ship needs a rudder. As the business leader you are that rudder. You’re also the person who steers the ship. And most probably the one who navigates the ship following the maps. BUT you are not the person working the sails.
As the business leader, your responsibility is to think strategically! No matter how hard, inconvenient or uncomfortable.
But thinking strategically is too hard when you are neck deep working in the business.
For my members of the Personal Trainers and the Club Owners Roundtables they have no choice! They have no choice but to leave their business to work on their business. That is their commitment to improving their business.
And I think that’s the secret to growing your business: committing to regularly stepping out of the business for an hour to days to work on the strategy for the business. You can make any excuse you like and you know what . . . I think the excuse is because when working on your business you often feel uncomfortable and so you just don’t do it. The easy option is to opt out.
My challenge for you is for the next 90 days to commit to 6 half days – ie every 2 weeks half a day to work on the strategy of your business. You can do this by yourself, with your exec team or with an expert in this sort of stuff – like me!
Your other option is to join the Industry Leaders Roundtable.
Quite seriously . . . you simply don’t have the band width to slip 30 minutes of quality strategic thinking between clients or putting out fires in your business. Diarise TODAY 4 hours every 2 weeks for 3 months to work purely on the business! Do it! Accept the challenge.
And if you think someone you know could benefit with a subtle kick in the butt to work on the business, then please share this week’s show with them. You can tag them in the comments below by popping in their name.
Now when you do tag someone in the comments you do that because you want to add value to your friend or colleague. You tag them because you want to help them.
And this brings me to my little segment: what cheeses me off!
If I am with you in a pub, at a restaurant, at a conference or anywhere else on a planet with you: tag me! I’m cool with that.
If you see a funny cat video that you think I’d love, tag me.
If there is a blog I should read, tag me.
Ie if you think you find something that adds value then share it.
What isn’t good social media etiquette is to post a pic then just tag people. It’s just not cool to tag people on Facebook or Instagram who are not relevant to the message or who were not with you. It’s just not the cool way to get on your clients or friends news feeds.
And I am warning you that it will piss off people and most importantly be bad for your brand.
Only tag people on social media when you either have permission or it is adding value to them.
That’s what cheeses me off . . . what cheeses you off?
This week starts today with a massive day:
- Exclusive Q & A for Active Management members today at 10am;
- Coaching session from 11:30 to 4pm with clients every hour
Next week . . .
I am off to Melbourne to work with a team of employed personal trainers on sales. We are covering how to be a likable PT so that people buy PT and are not sold PT.
And Alicia and I are just finishing off Membership 3.0! Now that’s exciting! We are launching a brand new website in the next 14 days, so stay tuned!!!!
So a big show today and do you remember the challenge: work on your business for 6 half days over 90 days. Get out of the walls of your business and work on the business! Stop putting it off and start doing it!
This week’s quote of the week . . .
Social media is your brand. Indiscriminate tagging devalues your brand. Follow social media etiquette & your brand will benefit.
Do you want to work one on one with JT?
Check out all previous shows here: http://www.activemgmt.com.au/category/jt-in-the-raw/

Justin is the Managing Director of Active Management, which he began January 2004. He offers coaching to businesses worldwide in everything from start up and design to marketing and sales systems. Justin also facilitates four Australian and New Zealand ‘fitness industry roundtables’ events, which allows him to see a huge cross section of business models.