Happy Birthday for April!
Happy Birthday to all our Active friends that celebrate their birthday in April!
- Kathleen Hayward Wood from Snap Fitness, USA
- Amanda Bracks from Vision Personal Training, NSW
- Georgette Pann from Nutrifitness, USA
- Ben Physick from bpActive Weightloss Solutions, NSW
- Phil Hazlett from Fitness Australia, Victoria
- Kryssi O’Hare from GETFIT Personal Training, Queensland
- Nathan Hague from Australia WOW, All over the world
- Sunil Kumar Taank from Gold Gym, India
- Fred Hoffman from FredHoffman.com, France
- Leila Timergaleeva from IHRSA, USA
- Helen Jomoa from Terrain Personal Training, NSW
- Emma Miller from Fighting Fit FNQ, Queensland
- Brett Campbell from Fiit International, Queensland
- Kate Marsh from Northside Nutrition, NSW
- Wendy Link-Pearce from Reservoir Leisure Centre, Victoria
- Jenni McFaull from Premier One Training, Victoria
- Nigel Benton from Australian Leisure Management, NSW
- Tim Webster from New Zealand
- Gina Barile from Revive Fitness, SA
- John Pirlo from Genesis Fitness, NSW
- Bekk Millwood from Fitness Lifestyle, Queensland
- Kris Tynan from New Zealand
- Joan Markwell from Bounce Back Fitness, NSW
- Sharen Louise Ryan from KISS Fitness, NSW
- Stephanie Seeger from Victoria
- Luke Starr from Crossfit Active, NSW
- Karen Reedman from Fit & Firm Personal Training, NSW
- Stacey Hurley from Active Management, NSW
- Andrew Ward from YMCA, Victoria
- Deaglan O’Hagan from Edenmore, Ireland
- Helen Souvlis from Anytime Fitness, Australia
- Xen Angelides from Precor, Australia
- Jen Dugard from Body Beyond Baby, NSW
- John Kersh from Anytime Fitness, USA
- Clive Rodell from Clive’s Quality Training, NSW
- Katie Turnbull from UFC Gym, NSW
- Alisha Smith from Network, NSW
- Simon Walsh from SIMFIT Personal Training, NSW
- Rita Horton from Bellissima Fisica Studio, Queensland
- Shane Tracey from Fitness First, NSW
To celebrate your birthday this year we have TWO great gifts.
A free download of JT’s book Balancing Act and a 10% discount on any of the Active Management products. Click here to redeem!

Justin is the Managing Director of Active Management, which he began January 2004. He offers coaching to businesses worldwide in everything from start up and design to marketing and sales systems. Justin also facilitates four Australian and New Zealand ‘fitness industry roundtables’ events, which allows him to see a huge cross section of business models.