#IHRSA2015: Patience, Passion & Persistence Lead to #GROWTH – Part I
Key note speaker Magnus Lindkvist at #IHRSA2015 lived up to his reputation with an entertaining and powerful presentation. I was lucky enough to hear him speak at the IHRSA European Congress and this presentation was much better!
Here are some of my learnings based on my Tweets:
R&D Departments these days are really ‘Rip off & Duplicate.’ This means that we are simply producing VERY similar goods and services, which of course means we have competition. As you can see with this image of phones!
In order to move forward we need to stop thinking horizontally for growth. We need to ‘unlearn to reinvent’ and think vertically. We need to jolt our minds in order to move forward.
A little competition is OK, as it keeps us on our toes. It means we are doing our best consistently. A lot of competition means we focus on our competition not on our big goals.
There will always be someone who wants to charge less but there will always be someone willing to pay more.
You can compete or you can create, you can’t do both!
So while many people say business is like a game, it is so NOT! The critical difference is that there are rules in a game. The rules are the same when you start the game to when you finish, they do not change. In business, the rules of the game change regularly. Hence, making business a challenge.
To #GROW we need to bring back experimentation. We cannot be afraid of trying new things and experimenting. Failure will be the result of ongoing success, just look at Nokia.
Be patient . . . Be persistent . . . Have intensity . . . Use your passion . . . You will #GROW.
His 3 tips:
Read all the #IHRSA2015 Blogs:
#IHRSA2015: The Interesting, The Cool & The Weird
#IHRSA2015: Profound Statement From Brent Darden
#IHRSA2015: Bill McBride Shares Under Armour Possible Strategy
#IHRSA2015: Kelly McGonigal Could Reshape the Fitness Industry – part I
#IHRSA2015: Kelly McGonigal Could Reshape the Fitness Industry – part II
#IHRSA2015: Adam Bryant Shared Powerful Gold Nuggets for Business #GROWTH
#IHRSA2015: Adam Bryant Shared 14 Interview Questions That CEO’s ask.
#IHRSA2015: Patience, Passion & Persistence Lead to #GROWTH – Part I
#IHRSA2015: Patience, Passion & Persistence Lead to Success– Part II

Justin is the Managing Director of Active Management, which he began January 2004. He offers coaching to businesses worldwide in everything from start up and design to marketing and sales systems. Justin also facilitates four Australian and New Zealand ‘fitness industry roundtables’ events, which allows him to see a huge cross section of business models.