Being a fitness business owner is f***ing lonely!

Last week I offered free chats with owners and managers of fitness businesses in Victoria, Australia as they entered the half way point in their second COVID-19 lock down. There were 3 common trends from my calls:

People are on an emotional roller coaster both weekly and even within a day;

A strong desire to speak with people who have already gone through what they were going through; and

It is super lonely.

As a former gym manager and gym owner, I concur that even in the best of times running a business is a roller coaster, hearing best business practices and ideas are essential, and it is lonely.

Perhaps the best kept secret in the fitness industry is REX Roundtables. Your personal roundtable of non-competing fellow owners support and empathise with your emotions, share best practices and ensure you are never lonely!

During COVID like many business and leadership development programs we have moved to Zoom: twenty three weekly catch ups and counting! Of course we’ll return to face to face when we can but in the meantime our desire is to help every REX Roundtable member get through this crisis unscathed.

However, unlike many business and leadership development programs, REX Roundtables follows no curriculum or ‘tick a box’ learnings. It is dynamic and fluid adjusting to your business needs every week. Your roundtable helps you based on the practical state of your business not the theoretical state. This is just one major difference!

I’m sure you’ll agree that your prospects find the hardest part of starting an exercise program is actually starting – walking into the gym for the first time or asking for help or even just picking up the phone to enquire. Once they do and then experience your amazing facility and services they wonder why they waited so long to change their life.

Joining a REX Roundtable is the same. The hardest part is making the first decision of starting or asking for help or sending an email for more information or just identifying you want something extra from your business for your personal life and then plotting the strategy to get it.

With REX Roundtables in Australia, Europe and the US there is a group for you, so don’t be lonely any longer . . . don’t guess a strategy . . . don’t meander in business . . . and don’t think ‘what if.’ Check out or email me now and we’ll find a Roundtable for you.

Don’t Take My Word For It

Last month The Fitness Business Podcast interviewed the President and several REX Roundtable members and you will be impressed, amazed and emotionally moved at what REX Roundtables have done for not just the business but the people involved.