Education and News For The Fitness Industry

Do You Want More Web Traffic?

By JT | April 11, 2013

Don’t we all! Here is a list of ways to help generate more traffic: Create awesome content to justify going (and returning to your site) – this means keeping your site up to date! Search engine optimisation – not sure what this is or means, we need to chat! Publicity – regularly do press releases…

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Email Marketing: Sniff Ya List!

By JT | April 11, 2013

I am receiving more and more email marketing and quite frankly, I have no idea how people get my email address. And to be honest, if they were educating me, I would have no issue but when they are just trying to flog me products, I get really upset. One of the emails I got…

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Marketing Message from 1885

By JT | April 11, 2013

At a recent Industry Leaders Round Tables meeting, I had a club owner tell me his traditional marketing was no longer working. He told me that he would advertise in the local paper for 3 or 4 weeks and then take a break. This discussion reminded me of a list that Jay Conrad Levinson had…

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Apple Maps Vs Google Maps

By JT | April 11, 2013

If your customers or potential customers upgraded their iPhone or iPad software with the standard upgrade, they now have an Apple Maps app. The Apple Maps app replaces the Google Maps app when iPhone and iPad users upgrade to the latest iOS 6 version of their mobile operating system (launched 19 September 2012). Our good…

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Hump Day Laugh #2

By JT | April 11, 2013
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Hump Day Laugh #1

By JT | April 11, 2013
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Anyone Play Phone Tennis with Prospects?

By JT | April 11, 2013

I got this great summary of how to make your voice message ‘pop’ from Casey Conrad, so thought I would share it with you … 1. Message time makes a difference. There is some research that suggests you shouldn’t leave messages on Friday afternoons or Monday mornings. People are either checking out for the weekend…

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BEST Time to Call Prospects

By JT | April 11, 2013

Thanks to Jay Conrad Levinson for sharing the best times to call people on the phone. Accountants – Standard business hours except between 15 May and 15 July Bankers – Before 10 am and after 3 pm, Monday through Friday Clergy – Between Tuesday and Friday Dentists – Between 9 am and 11 am, Monday…

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Sportlife Marketing Sample

By JT | April 8, 2013

When Googling gym marketing in Europe I stumbled across these two ads for Sportlife.

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The Outdoor Gym in Kiev

By JT | April 7, 2013

On an island in the middle of the Dnieper river in Kiev, Ukraine is an open-air gym that was built in the 1980s by a professor of cybernetics.

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Build Business Character for Business Success

By JT | March 28, 2013

Dave Anderson from Learn to Lead suggests that a company that builds character around the following foundations will lead business growth and character growth: •    Avoid half-truths – tell the truth, no matter how ugly, to earn your community’s trust. •    Honour all commitments – keep the promises you make to maintain business integrity to…

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The Leadership Checklist

By JT | March 28, 2013

Here are some great characteristics of leaders: •    Good communications skills •    Trustworthiness •    Have enormous energy •    Lead by example •    Sense of humour – about themselves! •    Self confidence and self esteem •    Commonsense •    Courage •    Persistence •    A vision and a plan to get there Think you have all these? Awesome…

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Job Screening with Social Media

By JT | March 28, 2013

Source: Mashable

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Two Traits Entrepreneurs Share with Einstein

By JT | March 28, 2013

Has anyone ever said to you, ‘You’re no Einstein!’ or ‘Nice one Einstein!’? Probably with a touch of sarcasm without knowing how close they are to the mark! Reading I found an intriguing article that compared the traits of Albert Einstein – the most influential person of the 20th Century – with entrepreneurs of…

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Social Media for Reference Checks?

By JT | March 27, 2013

34% of employers rejected a candidate in the last 12 months because of the person’s social media activity. And the top 4 reasons the candidate was not hired: ▪        They had posted inappropriate photos or information. ▪        There was evidence of drug use. ▪        They had poor communication skills. ▪        They…

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