Crankit Academy Offers Free Functional Training Education For All Trainers In Your Gym – For Life
CrankIt Fitness understand that when you have expertly trained PTs you will:
- Increase engagement through effective training
- Increase client and trainer retention
- Decrease equipment costs, thereby increasing your ROI
- Provide greater workout options for your members.
For this reason, the CrankIt Academy has been developing a way to provide solutions for health clubs to ensure their PTs are expertly and consistently trained, and to overcome common operational challenges, such as:
Challenge 1. Functional training education is expensive
The impact of this is often that fitness businesses will leave their PTs to pursue training at their own expense. Unfortunately, this often results in little or no training being completed.
Challenge 2. Staff turnover can result in wasted investment
As trainers leave your business, your investment in their education walks out the door too!
Challenge 3.New staff need training
New trainers who join your team allrequire training in order for them to maintain and deliver service and knowledgethat is consistent and inline with your standards. This can be expensive, especially if your PT churn is high.
The CrankIt Academy Program offers FREE Suspension Training education for all of your trainers for life, while they are part of your team. For example, if you are part of a fitness business that has 30 locations and each location has five PTs, the CrankIt Academy will give all 150 trainers access to theLevel 1 Suspended Fitness training, valued at $99 per course for FREE.That’s $14,850 worth of world-class training for your facility, and that’s just the beginning of what the Academy is offering!Because secondly, whenever a trainer leaves your facility, the CrankIt Academy will provide the same level of training for each and every new member of your team – for LIFE!
So, if in the course of one year you replace 30 of your trainers, then that would ordinarily require you to invest an additional total $2,970 in staff training alone. However, through the CrankIt Academy it’s entirely FREE!
To find out more about the CrankIt Academy including eligibility
Phone 07 3036 5211
Email [email protected]

Justin is the Managing Director of Active Management, which he began January 2004. He offers coaching to businesses worldwide in everything from start up and design to marketing and sales systems. Justin also facilitates four Australian and New Zealand ‘fitness industry roundtables’ events, which allows him to see a huge cross section of business models.