Greg Mowbray Shares Road Rules For Leadership

Licence To LeadGreg250







Greg Mowbray from Licence to Lead Leadership Development Program shared his Road Rules For Leadership last week in our webinar series and here are our top 3 take aways:

  1. All of the good stuff and all of the bad stuff that happens in organizations can be traced back to leadership
  2. One of the key elements of high performing workplaces is leadership performance
  3. To move from being a manger to being a highly effective leader, you need to have a vision about what the future looks like

Greg’s webinar includes BONUS downloads, Do The Leadership Licence Test and Road Rules For Leadership Poster

Before we are able to do many important things in life, we need to get a licence. In most cases this means that we can demonstrate we understand the rules, have gained experience and have a certain level of competence.

Leading others is one of the most important responsibilities anyone can have, yet most of us are ‘unlicensed!’ This webinar will cover the Road Rules for Leadership. It’s a simple, straightforward guide for effective leadership.

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