IHRSA Institute Is A New-Old Must For Fitness Industry Management
OK . . . OK . . . I maybe biased as I attended the IHRSA Institute over a decade ago and now I am part of the Faculty BUT this professional development program is back and well worth your investment.
When I attended many moons ago, it was unreal!!! I learned lots and connected with many US industry people that I am still in contact with. However, I was a party animal and had to live up to the Aussie reputation of drinking beer! So I remember a bit but geez I wish I remembered more!
This year, was the return of the Institute after a 7 year hiatus – a casualty of the economic downturn. And I was so lucky/fortunate/privileged to be asked to be part of the Faculty – i.e. speak at the event! I think just the third Aussie after Grant Gamble & Paul Brown – I could be wrong.
So what is the Institute?
It is and was described by Joe Moore, the boss of IHRSA, as an “immersive education event.” You stay on a US college business management campus for 3 nights and for many hours of the day, you talk health club management: sales management, group fitness management, PT management and total club management.
There were people from 9 countries (including Kristen Green from Aquafit in Australia), from chain clubs, from independent clubs and every layer of management. Totally awesome and diverse.
You had a choice generally of two sessions to attend, which was shame as they were both awesome and it was SO difficult to decide! As part of the faculty, we were encouraged to attend sessions which means I could empathise with everyone on the challenge of which session to attend.
And why wouldn’t you be challenged with the following on the faculty from the industry:
- Bill McBride, CEO Active Sports Clubs in the US
- Mark Miller, VP of Merritt Athletic Clubs in the US
- Alan Leach, Regional Manager West Wood Clubs in Ireland
- Debra Siena, President Midtown Health in the US
- Bonnie Patrick Mattalian, VP of MediFit in the US
- Sandy Franco, Owner of Franco Athletic Clubs in the US
- Brent Darden, former Chair of IHRSA and Owner of Telos Fitness Centre in the US
- Rick Caro, President Management Vision in the US
- Bryan O’Rourke, CEO Integerus in the US
- Tim Keightley, President of Keightley Enterprises in the US
- Plus me!
Then from IHRSA:
- Melissa Rodriguez, the Senior Research Manager
- Thomas Richards, Senior Legislative Counsel
- Helen Durkin, Executive VP of Global Public Policy
- Amy Bantham, VP of Government Relations & Health Promotion
And from The University of North Carolina:
- Alison Fragale, Associate Professor of Organizational Behaviour
- Chris Bingham, Fellow of Strategy & Entrepreneurship
An enormous choice! Each session was outstanding with powerful insights.
Here are my top 3 ideas (I have hundreds more!):
1. You as the leader of your organisation may not be the BEST source of inspiration. Greater inspiration may come from the beneficiaries of your services with others meeting those beneficiaries or hearing/reading their story.
2. A great business strategy forces us to have the discipline to say “no” to other ideas. Which means, be great at 1 to 3 strategic initiatives rather than mediocre at 4 to 6.
3. ‘What I say is NOT as important as what you hear!’
If you are reading this blog and attended the Institute, why don’t you share with the world your top 3 ideas too? Just jot them in the comments section below.
Just for fun Chris Bingham showed this video and asked ‘How many players wearing white pass the basketball?’
Did you get it right? hehehehehehehe
I am not 100% sure if IHRSA will run a 2015 Institute in the US. If they do I highly recommend you attend – wherever in the world you are!!
And fingers crossed I did a good enough job to be invited back on the Faculty – hint hint IHRSA! LOL
You can see more Institute pictures by clicking here.

Justin is the Managing Director of Active Management, which he began January 2004. He offers coaching to businesses worldwide in everything from start up and design to marketing and sales systems. Justin also facilitates four Australian and New Zealand ‘fitness industry roundtables’ events, which allows him to see a huge cross section of business models.