#JTInTheRaw Show 126 | Five Different Ways to Think About Holidays
Guaranteed that this will be one of the least viewed #JTInTheRaw shows ever, as I challenge you on your Team’s/staff’s holiday leave. But maybe you should take 15mins and just see what I have to say & what you can learn from FIVE other businesses!
If you want to attract quality staff, then having an attractive holiday package is one solution. This will take serious thinking for how it can fit into your business but I know this will be lead to loyal staff!
The average leader will say this is too hard. The true leader will take this on board and find a solution that works.
Watch live or on replay and enjoy the fun to #JTInTheRawShow126

Justin is the Managing Director of Active Management, which he began January 2004. He offers coaching to businesses worldwide in everything from start up and design to marketing and sales systems. Justin also facilitates four Australian and New Zealand ‘fitness industry roundtables’ events, which allows him to see a huge cross section of business models.
Hi from the ??
Hi from the ??
It’s freezing – brass monkey weather ?
It’s freezing – brass monkey weather ?
Morning JT all the way from the NT!
Happy Birthday JT’s Mum Lyn ???
Happy Birthday JT’s Mum Lyn ???
Neil great to have for a while this morning on the show! Thank you! Check out show 51 here https://activemgmt.com.au/jtintheraw-show-51-how-to-have-line-people-wanting-work-for-you/
(Story goes that cannonballs used to be stored aboard ships in piles, on a brass tray called a ‘monkey’. I’m really cold weather the brass would contract and spill the cannonballs, hence very cold weather is ‘cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey!!) x
G’day JT!
FF gives 1 paid volunteer day p/a
YMCA staff at work receive free GYM in recreation services
Love 5
Cindy Kempton ?
Cindy Kempton ?
Depends on the individual! The best thing you could do for your staff is Know them and Know what drives them. Each are unique
Hi from sunny Spain Justin
Great jt
Happy birthday Joe
Just missed ya brotha
Paid volunteer days are a great idea 🙂
1. 3. 4. ?
1. 3. 4. ?
Quote of the week: “To attract quality staff, think and do different.”