#JTInTheRaw Show 131 | Eight Phrases That Will Screw Your Business
8 common phrases that sit on your Facebook & Instagram every day that if you take them literally could hinder your business. And I know people take them literally as I had 3 coaching clients this week use 3 of these phrases with me! ARGHH!
Let’s explore in #JTInTheRaw this week:
* Don’t get too close to your friends
* Stick to your business plan no matter what
* Do what you love
* If you want something done right you have to do it yourself
* If you build it, they will come
* Be fearless
* Grow a thick skin
* Never say no
Plus this week’s shout outs, quote of the week and a reminder fitness business owners about #FITS2019.
Watch #JTInTheRawShow131 live or on replay, recommend to your friends by tagging them in the comments below and of course heed the advice and lead for success in your business/department/team.

Justin is the Managing Director of Active Management, which he began January 2004. He offers coaching to businesses worldwide in everything from start up and design to marketing and sales systems. Justin also facilitates four Australian and New Zealand ‘fitness industry roundtables’ events, which allows him to see a huge cross section of business models.
Quote “Marketing isn’t everything. Everything we do is marketing.”
Morning Jus ?
Morning Jus ?
Morning JT
Love the sound of the birds behind you!
Thank god im off to a pool party today 40c.
Good morning -25 yesterday!!!!
Stay safe to everyone in Aussie with this heat
Would love -25c here over the heatwave
Love the information jt
In Adelaide until Monday afternoon for Open Water National Swimming
The natural
Justin Tamsett I bloody knew it, just trying to get in first and said the wrong fkn one!!??
Justin Tamsett I bloody knew it, just trying to get in first and said the wrong fkn one!!??
field of dreams! Classic
Field of dreams
Fields of Dreams
Depends where you build it ?
Depends where you build it ?
Can’t imagine her Dad ignoring them on the rugby field
Great advice mate ?
Great advice mate ?
Can’t wait for it
Hope some Kiwis come over https://fitnessindustrytechsummit.com.au
Lots more coming after today Jamie https://fitnessindustrytechsummit.com.au
Stay safe jt
Lorenzo Paul Caswell
Thanks for sharing Ben with Lorenzo
my pleasure mate – you’re doing an awesome job 🙂
The only truth is that you are spending your time reading it!
Quote of the Week: “What you read on Facebook or Instagram won’t always help you!”