#JTInTheRaw Show 31: It’s Not What We Say It’s How We Say It & Gaining Referrals
Welcome to JTInTheRaw show 31 where I chew the thin on business. Today’s show is from Performance PT at Smeaton Grange. The owner of this business is on the NSW PT Industry Leaders Roundtable and we have a meeting today.
In this week’s show I will talk about:
- It’s not what we say but how we say
- Setting up a referral campaign
- Two shout outs this week
- #AskJT
As you may be aware I had an accident last week end where I sliced my leg open and had 76 stitches. Yep 76 stitches! This meant a trip to hospital and as we entered I had no idea what was in store for me.
I’m not going to gross you out with graphic details but I do want to tell you about the amazing nurse and doctor. These two guys were fantastic and all week I have been wondering why they were so good. And it dawned on me . . .
The effectiveness of spoken communication relates to
- 7% of meaning in the words that are spoken.
- 38% of meaning is the way that the words are said
- 55% of meaning is in facial expression.
The words the medico’s used were standard medical terms. It was how they said them and their body language that showed me their professionalism, helped me relax, and out me at ease that they’d do a good repair job of my leg.
It was a great reminder to me and now you, that the saying is true: it is not what you say but how you say it.
I challenge you this week to understand these statistics again and think how this impacts the message you are giving to your team or your clients.
Gaining Referrals
How many of you ask for referrals?
Do you ask at point of sale? Do you ask during their membership or tenure as a client? Is it programmed into the life cycle of your customer?
So the next question is IF you get a new client or member as the direct result of a current client or member referring them, what do you give them? How do you say thanks?
A Neilson 2015 Global Trust in Advertising found that 83% of consumers take action – research a brand or buy something – on recommendations from people they know.
Many businesses have success with ongoing reduced memberships fees, free services or even free product. All of these work IF they resonate with your client base.
Research shows that small rewards perform as well as large rewards.
The key for today’s consumer is rewarding them with social capital. This means that you give your referring customer the ability to look like an “insider” in your business to their friends.
Your role is to make them look like a VIP in the eyes of their friends with an exclusive or limited opportunity to their friends because they are a VIP customer.
What is vital in this referral process is that you say ‘thank you.” I am a fan of hand written card saying thank you that is personalised and has no clichés! The extra effort you go to will be acknowledged and loved by your clients.
Shout Outs
I have a shout out this week to 2 people:
- Coss Marte – this week on the Fitness Business Podcast is the most inspirational guest ever interviewed. Coss was a drug king pin in New York City who spent time in the big house a couple of times. And on his second visit was told if he didn’t lose weight he would die. So he started working out in his cell! The result, he has a studio in NYC called Con Body, which I have been to. This interview is awesome and truly inspirational. If you would like a link to the show, just pop 88 in the comments and I’ll send you the link.
- My Victorian PT Industry Leaders Roundtable – thank you for your support this week. This was the first time in 160 roundtables that I had to cancel. I really appreciate your support . . . thank you.
This week the question comes from Scott in New Zealand who asked me “Last week’s #JTInTheRaw you talked about adding value to the follow ups to prospects. Can you please give some examples.”
Of course I can Scott!
If you missed show 30 last week I explained that most sales people give up too early when following up prospects. I gave some stat’s and ideas.
Ok value adding in the contacts Scott must relate to what your prospect wants. You want to provide FREE tips to help them achieve their goals.
So Scott for someone who wants to lose weight, you may have your top 10 breakfast recipes or your favourite 7 low fat snacks.
For a new exerciser, a tip sheet on how to pick the right exercise shoe or how to start an exercise program.
Value add means providing content to your prospects that helps them. This can be websites, podcasts, articles or your own tip sheets.
Scott when you know the pain point of your prospect, you add value to them by sending information that helps reduce that pain.
By the way, if you don’t use this information in the prospecting process then you can use it in the onboarding process!
Hope that helps Scott!
You’ve been watching #JTInTheRaw show 31 and if you think you know someone who could benefit from understanding why it is important how you say things, where to start when building a referral program, or what adding value in your prospects journey means then pop their name in the comments below and they’ll be notified on facebook to watch the show. I’d be very grateful if you share the show.
Quote of The Week
83% of consumers take action on recommendations from people they know. Help them recommend you.
Check out all previous shows here: http://www.activemgmt.com.au/category/jt-in-the-raw/

Justin is the Managing Director of Active Management, which he began January 2004. He offers coaching to businesses worldwide in everything from start up and design to marketing and sales systems. Justin also facilitates four Australian and New Zealand ‘fitness industry roundtables’ events, which allows him to see a huge cross section of business models.