#JTInTheRaw Show 82 | 10 Questions To Start Your Staff Meetings
The more your team reveal about:
- who they are,
- what they think and
- how they feel,
This sharing is what makes us vulnerable to our team and team mates. But vulnerability builds a deep trust.
The more trust and connectivity and engagement that will occur between them.
This builds a stronger community with more loyalty, resilience, persistence and longevity.
Here are 10 questions you could use:
- Your greatest loss?
- Your most embarrassing moment?
- Your toughest decision?
- The greatest risk you have taken?
- Your greatest regret?
- Your greatest passion?
- What do you like about your life as it is today?
- What do you dislike about your life as it is today?
- Have you ever felt trapped in your life?
- Person who had the greatest influence on you?
Use ONE of these to start a team meeting or department meeting.
#JTInTheRaw where I chew the thin on business – small business, large business, management of business and any industry business. My goal is to have you think and do different and today I’m focusing your strategically growing your business.
You Can Be A Star In #JTInTheRaw . . .
If you want to be featured in the Implementer Series, where I interview you on what you have implemented from watching #JTInTheRaw, email me now.

Justin is the Managing Director of Active Management, which he began January 2004. He offers coaching to businesses worldwide in everything from start up and design to marketing and sales systems. Justin also facilitates four Australian and New Zealand ‘fitness industry roundtables’ events, which allows him to see a huge cross section of business models.
Guten Morgan!
Wouldn’t you be saying “Gluten Morgan” ?
Wouldn’t you be saying “Gluten Morgan” ?
Mate, long time no see. You look 10 years younger!
Based on that compliment Chris you can join me for #JTInTheRaw every week! How have you been?
Fantastic thanks, Justin Tamsett. I am back in the driver’s seat and making some big improvement changes to my business. Perhaps we can have a coffee and discuss some ideas over the next few weeks?
Here here. Complete faith in my roundtable buddies
And they in you!
James Wedmore
Thanks for sharing Andrew – you didn’t actually tag James though.
James podcast can’t recommend it highly enough
Thanks for sharing . . . I’ll add it to my list to listen to while driving from home to watch the Shoremen this year! ⚫?⚫?
Thanks for sharing . . . I’ll add it to my list to listen to while driving from home to watch the Shoremen this year! ⚫?⚫?
Time. I give them my time.
That’s a great thing to give them . . . time with the boss is worth MORE than a pay rise!
My wife has a lot of influence on my life.
Yes she does & Liz is an inspiration/influence on many people! ?
Yes she does & Liz is an inspiration/influence on many people! ?
On a personal level Richard and Joey Toutounji
Now they are a good pair to be inspired by: Richard & Joey
On a marco level Gary Ver
Not a bad inspirational person!!
Damn!! The big man himself! And Gary Vee ?
Damn!! The big man himself! And Gary Vee ?
My 3 Kids! Elon Musk ❤️ and the members of WIFA
My husband
Perfect timing for me JT. THANKS
Hope that meeting went great! I saw you message on the Active Management Members page – you happy?
That’s the plan for this morning!
10!!!!! X a million
Kellie here are the 10 Q’s
Sean perfect for a CEO to lead his team!
Oh u love u lol
Good luck with your pressie bud…enjoyed that!
Thanks for tuning Deaglan . . . is that your first #JTInTheRaw show you’ve watched?
Justin Tamsett yeah first one. But not my last!
Well when you suffer insomnia next, you can binge on #JTInTheRaw on the You Tube channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChVtQaoJnyeFbttw4s7CvWg?view_as=subscriber
Tracey – here you go!
Hi JT watching on replay today ?
Better late than never Susan – thanks for tuning in!
Hi JT watching on replay today ?
Here are the 10 Questions Deaglan
Your questions Sir . . .
Matty I think you know these!
Thank for tuning in Logan . . . was this your first Live #JTInTheRaw?
Morning Deborah . . . thanks for swinging by this morning.
Thanks for swinging by Elisa! Great to have you on board today. Did you find it useful?
Love it!!!! this is the “concept” of the “Circle of safety”, one of the most important thing you need to have in a positive and strong team 🙂 http://reginawalton.com/2016/05/ted-talk-simon-sinek-why-good-leaders-make-you-feel-safe/
Elisa I love this video . . . here is the 10 for you!
Yes first time however have been to one of your sessions in Manchester last year
thanks!!! 🙂
I recognised your name and your face from Manchester! Now if you are bored and cannot sleep over the week end, feel free to binge on #JTInTheRaw at the YouTube Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChVtQaoJnyeFbttw4s7CvWg?view_as=subscriber . . . feel free to share to any of the videos with your tribe.
Thanks for watching Nikki.