#JTInTheRaw Show 87 | The Number One Trait Needed To Accomplish Your Goals
If you want to lose weight, then you have to do something different to what you are already doing.
If you want to read more books, then you have to do something different to what you are already doing.
If you want to make more sales, then you have to do something different to what you are already doing.
If you want to make more money, lead your business better, or do anything in life better then you have to do something different to what you are already doing.
And I bet $1million that most of you already know what to do you just don’t have the discipline to start it, do it and then remain consistent!
Welcome to JTInTheRaw show 87 where I chew the thin on business. I feel that every show can help any type of business, department or even sporting team. If you are a regular and agree give me a love heart…
And today’s show I am going to kick some of you in the butt and others I am going to turn the light on for you in a dark room. Today, I’m going to share thoughts on your discipline to get things done. I’m going to have you think and do different with 5 tips.
Shout Outs
A shout out to the Precor Team who sent me to Brisbane this week to talk all thing social media with a bunch of their clients. Thanks for the opportunity and kudos to the Team for thinking outside the box on how to add value to their clients and potential clients!
In show 85 I said you need to get shit done to achieve your goals. And I do not shy away from that in the slightest. If you missed show 85, click here. This show cracked 500 views in the 3rd fastest time, so it must resonate with #JTInTheRaw fans!
If you missed the show, click here!
To get shit done requires discipline and after a few coaching calls this week, I think I need to talk about this today! So hold on to your hat . . .
Whether in terms of your diet, fitness, work ethic or relationships, self-discipline is the number one trait needed to accomplish your goals, lead a healthy lifestyle, and ultimately, be happy.
According to a 2013 study by Wilhelm Hoffman, people with high self-control are:
- Generally happier than those without. The study identified the self-disciplined subjects were more capable of dealing with conflicts and decision making.
- The self-disciplined people spent less time debating whether to indulge in behaviours detrimental to their goals, and were able to make positive decisions more easily.
- The self-disciplined people did not allow their choices to be dictated by impulses or feelings.
- Self-disciplined people made informed, rational decisions on a daily basis without feeling overly stressed or upset.
Here is perhaps the key point of show 87: self-discipline is a learned behaviour. It requires practice and repetition in your day-to-day life. To improve your own self-discipline, test out these 5 proven methods for gaining better control.
Let me say that again: self-discipline is a learned behaviour. It requires practice and repetition in your day-to-day life.
And one more time: self-discipline is a learned behaviour. It requires practice and repetition in your day-to-day life.
From all my research the best business leaders, sports person and entrepreneurs have learned this behaviour just like you can!
I have 5 tips I found to help develop your self-discipline:
- Remove temptations
- Eat regularly & healthily
- Don’t wait for it to feel right
- Schedule breaks and rewards
- Forgive yourself & move forward
So let’s pull these apart . . .
- Remove temptations. Yourself-control is easy when you abide by the old saying, “out of sight, out of mind.” Removing all temptations and distractions from your environment is the crucial first step to improving your self discipline.
- Eat regularly and healthily. Studies show that low blood sugar will weak your resolve. When you’re hungry, your ability to concentrate suffers as your brain is not functioning to its highest potential. You cannot focus on the tasks at hand.
- Don’t wait for it to “feel right.” Improving your discipline means changing your normal routine. You must – I repeat MUST – acknowledge that it will take a while for your new regime to feel right or natural. Keep pushing along. You will get there!
- Schedule breaks, treats, and rewards for yourself. Your new regimen doesn’t need to be entirely cold turkey, hard core, or drill sergeant-like in execution. If you give yourself zero wiggle room you can expect failures, disappointments, and giving into your old ways. While practicing your discipline, schedule specific breaks, treats, and rewards for yourself – remember positive reinforcement of what you want.
- Forgive yourself and move forward. Instituting a new way of thinking won’t always go according to plan. You will have ups and downs, fabulous successes, and flat out failures. The key is to keep moving forward. When you have a setback, acknowledge what caused it and move on.
So for you to improve what you achieve in your business, yes you need to get shit done but you need self-discipline to get that shit done!
The have 5 tips to develop your self-discipline:
- Remove temptations
- Eat regularly & healthily
- Don’t wait for it to feel right
- Schedule breaks and rewards
- Forgive yourself & move forward
Next week
My week:
- Sunday – training @ Barry’s Bootcamp
- Monday – Soul Cycle session & an International Roundtable meeting
- Tuesday – Roundtable meeting at San Diego Zoo
- Wednesday – convention begins
- Thursday – My first presentation on social media
- Friday – my second presentation on culture
Next week #JTInTheRaw will come to you LIVE from IHRSA!
Quote Of The Week:
Self-discipline is a learned behaviour. It requires practice and repetition in your day-to-day life.

Justin is the Managing Director of Active Management, which he began January 2004. He offers coaching to businesses worldwide in everything from start up and design to marketing and sales systems. Justin also facilitates four Australian and New Zealand ‘fitness industry roundtables’ events, which allows him to see a huge cross section of business models.
Goodmorning Justin!
Thanks for swinging by Anthony – your first live show right?
3rd so far! It’s almost becoming apart of my routine on a Friday on my search for further development everyday.
Good morning JT ?
3 ?
3 ?
morning JT!!! 🙂
You like that Eric?
Yes sir – love it !discipline disrupts the process and encourgses the good change ! I see and have been victim to the complexity of “the process ” – skipping steps and missing out on critical compinents. Thank you for keeping it RAW!
Here is the link Grace – enjoy! https://activemgmt.com.au/jtintheraw-show-85-number-one-item-achieve-every-goal/
Here is show 85 Brett – enjoy https://activemgmt.com.au/jtintheraw-show-85-number-one-item-achieve-every-goal/
I need to set an alarm so I don’t miss the beginning!!
Nothing beats Live JT ?
I think there is a long list of things that beat JT Live but thank you Susan. I’m grateful for all your support and sharing.
Nothing beats Live JT ?
I’ll send you mine… you send me yours
Please doooooooooooo
Thanks for stopping by Grace!
Thanks for swinging by Steve . . . enjoy the ferry ride! https://youtu.be/8kNwvIEQsg0
Hey ya Ken – was this your first live show?
Hi ya . . . Tim Tams needed?
Your welcome Justin Tamsett, great session ?
Your welcome Justin Tamsett, great session ?
* aw shucks * ……
However, I don’t think I’ll be watching in bed with my hubby…. that would be weird ?
However, I don’t think I’ll be watching in bed with my hubby…. that would be weird ?
Justin Tamsett hey mate, I think I might have seen you a few times, love the energy keep them up, they are great!
Oliver Le Guay
Good morning JT safe travels to IHRSA you lucky man 🙂