#JTInTheRaw Show 92 | 5 Simple (and cheap) Strategies to Lead a Millennial Workforce
Do you want 5 tips on leading (not managing) your millennial workforce? Of course you do, so tune in to #JTInTheRaw show 92 & join the conversation in the comments, whether you’re watching live or on replay!

Justin is the Managing Director of Active Management, which he began January 2004. He offers coaching to businesses worldwide in everything from start up and design to marketing and sales systems. Justin also facilitates four Australian and New Zealand ‘fitness industry roundtables’ events, which allows him to see a huge cross section of business models.
Watch this one with headphones – language warning! LOL https://youtu.be/_2OYot1QwB8
You’d better watch this one with headphones on Mo – language warning! LOL https://youtu.be/_2OYot1QwB8
Thanks. I’m ready. Hope FILEX was great for you!
You’d better watch this one with headphones on Amber – language warning! LOL https://youtu.be/_2OYot1QwB8
Score board ?
Watch this one with headphones on Luke . . . https://youtu.be/_2OYot1QwB8
Thanks for swinging by KPM! ?
Thanks for swinging by KPM! ?
Professional development…..I could go on for days
Yes you could/can/do . . . and that why we move you #MiniTony!
I just left you ??
Professional development tailored like rewards and recognition
And a link to First Break All The Rules https://amzn.to/2HRGzFg
I’m sure you would have read this . . . https://amzn.to/2HRGzFg
This is an awesome book . . . https://amzn.to/2HRGzFg
6 ,
morning JT
Hope these six questions help Carol
Yes ❤️❤️❤️
Great concept. The keeper. I love it JT
The Keeper Interviews . . . all yours!
Here is a link to the #JTInTheRaw show where I talk about your team’s goals Susan https://youtu.be/WwPEO-kegh0
Tania the goals #JTInTheRaw show! https://youtu.be/WwPEO-kegh0
Carol the goals #JTInTheRaw show! https://youtu.be/WwPEO-kegh0
Here is the #JTInTheRaw Goals Show Maureen – hope it help your team! https://youtu.be/WwPEO-kegh0
Thanks JT, brilliant value in that short session!
?Thanks JT
Thanks for swinging by Tania ?
Great quote I heard from Katy Perry last night. The longest journey is from the head to the heart
Love this quote Susan. Thanks for sharing!
Howdy JT ??back at work replay !
Replay is fine by me! #RegularWatcher!
Score board ?
I just left you ??
?Thanks JT
Thanks for swinging by Tania ?
Howdy JT ??back at work replay !
Hey Justin Ben here from NAFC cheers for this one
Hope you got some value Ben
Thanks. Great info. Have a great FILEX
Thanks Mo . . . it was as good as always!
FIRST (Ben 🙂 )
Ben/Aaron . . . LOL . . . https://amzn.to/2HRGzFg
Morning from Louisiana
Hey Jimmie Tracie . . . thanks for swinging by & I hope you enjoyed #JTInTheRaw this week?
Score board
Best you watch this show with headphones on Jimmie Tracie . . . Aussie language warning! LOL https://youtu.be/_2OYot1QwB8
Thank you!
? awesome
Thanks for swinging by Paula – was this your first #JTInTheRaw?
? awesome
Thanks for swinging by Carol ?
Your six questions Susan
Your 6 questions Matty
And the Keeper Interview questions Carol
Here are the 3 Keeper Interview questions mate . . .
And the six questions to ask . . .
Your 3 Keeper Questions
And your 6 questions . . .
Here are the 7 questions Mo. In my club we used to ask these every week in a 1:1 with our key team members.
Here are the 7 questions … we used to ask these every week to our key team members . . .
Thanks for swinging by Carol ?
Get to watch live now daylight savings has finished. Great start to my day. ?
Get to watch live now daylight savings has finished. Great start to my day. ?
Thanks for tuning on Anthony . . . here are your 3 questions!
Kayla Louise Warren
Are you sharing to yourself Kayla AnytimeFitness? LOL
Hahah yes double the chance to watch it
I saw this video today, some ideas on the subject 🙂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=250&v=x9BQnu3Q8to
“First break all the rules” is one of the best book I’ve read last year. I consider it a key reading not only for business owner, but also for employees: it is fundamental to have such knowledge on both side of a business structure.
It helped me a lot in starting changing things in my workplace, even if I’m a simple employee. You can always give feedback to your bosses/supervisors to lead your work environment in a direction that is good for everyone involved: employers and employee.
I strongly recommend this book: I made my company buy a copy of it (among other books as well) so it is available for employees if they want to borrow it.
Thanks for sharing Elisa . . . yes this is an AWESOME book! https://amzn.to/2kA2juz
yes! I love it!!! (Y)
Good stuff brother!