Media Release: Fitness Australia 2020 Board Elections now open!
The fitness industry’s peak organisation Fitness Australia has today announced nominations are now open for its 2020 Board Elections ahead of the Annual General Meeting on 26 November.
This year, Fitness Australia is seeking three (3) Business Member Directors with one of the positions allocated specifically to an independently owned business member, to ensure the Board has representation from across the entire industry.
The Fitness Australia Board is currently comprised of the following Directors:
- Jayne Blake (independent, appointed Chair) NSW (expires 2021)
- Chris Hicks, NSW (appointed, expires 2021)
- Paige Buse, VIC (appointed, expires 2021)
- Kate Corkery, ACT (appointed, expires 2021)
- Jen Dugard, NSW (AusREP elected, expires 2022)
- Chantal Brodrick, QLD (AusREP elected, expires 2022)
(note: appointed Directors have a two-year term; with elected Directors serving a three-year term)
Following an evaluation of the current skill set, Fitness Australia Chair Jayne Blake said the Board has identified the following areas of experience as highly desirable for the appointment of new Board Members in 2020:
- Experience working as/or with Allied Health providers
- Marketing and business development (digital marketing, brand management, PR)
- IT and digital transformation
- Advocacy (government networks, grants, fundraising initiatives)
- Strategic planning.
Nomination forms and an information pack outlining expectations is available on the Fitness Australia website
Fitness Australia 2020 Board Election Key Dates
14 September 2020 – Nominations open
5 October 2020 – Nominations close
19 October 2020 – Voting opens
2 November 2020 – Voting closes
6 November 2020 – Candidates notified of election results
26 November 2020- Successful candidates take office at the Annual General Meeting

Justin is the Managing Director of Active Management, which he began January 2004. He offers coaching to businesses worldwide in everything from start up and design to marketing and sales systems. Justin also facilitates four Australian and New Zealand ‘fitness industry roundtables’ events, which allows him to see a huge cross section of business models.