SPINNING® – the proper noun
Allow us to reintroduce you to SPINNING in its correct usage of the proper noun, the founding brand in the world of indoor cycling.
Why the re-introduction, you may ask. Often, SPINNING or more recent layman’s terms ‘spin, is commonly mistaken for the category of indoor cycling instead of its leading brand.
While SPINNING is the originator of the indoor cycling format, it is also an evolving global program that involves indoor bikes, internationally renowned events and certification trainings. As the trademark symbols would emphasize, SPINNING is not a type of exercise. SPINNING is a fitness entity.
So how do we use the SPINNING brand correctly and legally? It’s little like basic mathematics. Combine the bikes, the education and a signed facility agreement with Mad Dogg Athletics (MDA) and you are definitely on your way to being what would be termed as an ‘authorized SPINNING facility’. This means you have permission to use the brand name and logo.
SPIN® SPINNER® and SPINNING® and the SPINNING logo are registered trademarks of MDA. These cannot be used in any type of referral to indoor cycling education, products or bikes.
The founders and creators of SPINNING, Mad Dogg Athletics Inc (MDA) based in the super hip area of Venice in California may seem a long way from our shores but they are in fact represented locally in Australia. That is where we come in.
Blue Fitness Australia is the exclusive distributor of the Star Trac SPINNER® bike range and also the comprehensive Spinning instructor training, education and products. We are very proud of our 8 year association with MDA and are working diligently to continue to provide health and fitness facilities in Australia everything they need to become the real-SPINNING-deal. In turn allowing these facilities to reap the rewards of providing an internationally recognized program with over 30,000 facilities and 200,000 certified instructors globally, to their members on local soil.
Not all indoor cycle classes are the same and we cannot speak to what you may encounter when you attend a misnamed ‘spin’ class and that’s not our business. Our business is providing the real deal SPINNING education, bikes and instructors that equates an authentic SPINNING experience.
If you are interested in learning about the history of Spinning check out our next article.
If you would like more information on delivering the original indoor cycling program and becoming an authorized SPINNING facility or becoming a SPINNING instructor please contact [email protected].
Source: Simon Hall from Blue Fitness [email protected]

Justin is the Managing Director of Active Management, which he began January 2004. He offers coaching to businesses worldwide in everything from start up and design to marketing and sales systems. Justin also facilitates four Australian and New Zealand ‘fitness industry roundtables’ events, which allows him to see a huge cross section of business models.