Did you know, the 2014 Fitness Industry Survey* found most health club members stated their preferred method of communication from their gym was an email (43%) or an emailed newsletter (21%), with an additional 8.4% choosing social media as their preferred method of communication? These members also indicated that the most acceptable frequency for a club to contact its members was once a month (72.2%).
Now we all know that, traditionally, January is the biggest month for attracting new members. And too often, the following months see a large portion of those same people drop out. The secret to keeping these people engaged and focused on achieving their health and fitness goals, is providing them with additional support and information to keep them motivated. And you can do that, by providing them with your very own fully branded member magazine!
OH! Magazine is a unique interactive online magazine, that has been specifically designed for health clubs to customise and distribute as their own in-house member publication. It’s available every single month and is authored by some of Australia’s leading healthy lifestyle experts, such as Dr Joanna, Michelle Bridges, Pete Evans, Paul Taylor and Justin Tamsett.
Customisation starts from as little as $65 per edition, and there are no lock-in contracts so you can customise as often as you like, with as little as 7 business days’ warning.
To celebrate the end of a great year, OH! Magazine you a very very special end-of-year offer, which is a VIP price guarantee for 2015. This VIP discount offer enables you to save $100 off the already discounted Active Management fees for Customisation options 1,2 or 4 (see the “Option” tabs on http://www.ohmagazine.com.au/customisation for full customisation details and packages or phone Analee on the number below).
For just $99*, you can secure this VIP discount for 2015. So, if you are planning to investing in the communication method that your members are saying they want, then now is the time to lock it in!
If you have any questions or comments regarding OH! Magazine and how it can help you grow and retain your membership, please don’t hesitate to drop me a line or call the editor/publisher, Analee Matthews directly on 0411 314 503.
*2014 Fitness Industry Member Survey received 11,130 individual responses from across Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong (http://www.ezypay.com/fitness-industry-survey/)
**This offer is available until 31 December 2014 and your deposit will need to be paid within 7 days of booking, upon presentation of an invoice. You are then free to create/distribute your customised magazine anytime before 30 June 2015. Note: the deposit will contribute to the overall customisation fee payable. You will be invoiced for the remaining balance and this will be payable in full prior to your magazine being created. Deposits are non-refundable.

Justin is the Managing Director of Active Management, which he began January 2004. He offers coaching to businesses worldwide in everything from start up and design to marketing and sales systems. Justin also facilitates four Australian and New Zealand ‘fitness industry roundtables’ events, which allows him to see a huge cross section of business models.