Three Tips To Be A Competitive Fitness Business

One of the most common questions I receive is “How can I be competitive in my marketplace when I don’t have the same size marketing budget?”

The answer is simple: just innovate!

To help your innovation, I have put together three Competitive Advantage Briefs that you receive for free when you register to attend #FitnessBiz24 this November.  Register here for this awesome educational event.


Members Love Earned StatusAll members want to earn status and reap the benefits, so what is your status building program? Read more here





You physical facility has to stand out not just with equipment but your programming, challenges and hyper-personalised coaching. Read more here





We all hate waiting, so in your facility you have to kill the wait time or fill the wait time.  I explain more here.





Reminder: You receive free Competitive Advantage Briefs that I have put together to guide you and they are FREE when you register for #FitnessBiz24.

Book Your Breakfast & Your Seat At #FitnessBiz24 and receive these briefs complimentary